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So yeah lez go a lot of smut has been requested lol suggested by Yolin_Ukazara1

Warning:smut, drunk, kinky, anal


Readers POV

I was a young Italian woman that came over seas to fill my dreams of being a designer. Things where going great. I even made a few friends. Although America is very strange. I graduated college when I was 19, yet most kids my age are in college.  (Off topic but I'm listening to bitch lasagna and I'm dancing XD)

Which is why my only friends was a lady in her late 30s and my boss who was 22. I decided that since my boss is young he might be able to introduce me to some people which is why I'm now sitting outside my work pacing. Should I go in, like I'm nervous.

"Y/N?" My head swings over to see my concerned boss raising an eyebrow. "Mr.Mulligan!" I was in shock to see him. "Again Y/N it's Hercules. It's Sunday we don't have work..."

"I know Sir- Er...Hercules...just I have a question..." he cocked an eyebrow and I flushed suddenly afraid to talk. "You know I just moved her...yet I wish to know more people..."

Hercules smiles and laughed, "of course. I was just fixing to go to lunch with them, care to Join?" I nodded and we began walking down a street towards...I'm guessing a restaurant. We stopped at a small cafe with only four people standing out side.

"Guys!" Hercules yelled and I flushed as I realized his friends are fairly attractive. Then I laid eyes on him. Possibly the most attractive man I have ever seen, "Merde..." I whisper and instantly I blushed.

I behind him was a girl, she was really like really pretty. Long brown hair bright brown eyes. I prayed they where not dating. "Y/N this is Alexander, John, Lafayette, and Eliza." I blushed and slightly waved.

"Awwww did Herc find him self a girlfriend!" The curly haired guy named John asked. "Laurens for the tenth time I like men!" Alex chuckled and walked over to me holding out a hand, "Alexander Hamilton...sorry about those fools and my boyfriend..." he glared at the freckles cutie who I guess was his boyfriend.

"Mi Chiamo Y/N L/N" i froze and Alexander looked confused. You see when I get nervous I talk in Italian. "She said her names Y/N L/N...when she gets nervous she speaks in full on Italian..." Hercules says and I smile slightly blushing.

One week later

I had grown really close with Hercules friends to the point where they invited me to a club with them. Which I was very excited for saying I have never been to a night club in America.

I got dressed up in skinny jeans and a crop top vans sweater. Nothing to slutty but a good dance outfit. Immediately we began drinking and acting like complete idiots. The night went on and Alex and John left probably to go fuck and Hercules grinded on some guys.

Which is weird to watch your boss do. Lafayette and I just talked drunkenly and before I knew it he was pressed against me. Our lips danced like Hercules and those guys. A furious passion and we decided to get an Uber.

We got into the Uber and immediately Laf just felt me up. The Uber driver just like accepted that this was happening in his car and looked away. His lips never left my body and hands traveled up and down. He was one hell of a lover. (I'm simply one hell of a French man)

We pulled up to my apartment building and I led him up my three flights into my one room apartment. I groaned as he bit into my neck creating a nasty hickey that's gone need a lot of makeup to cover it up.

My outfit made its way onto the floor and next thing I knew we where naked against each other kissing. We may be drunk and horny but we knew to savor this moment because we probably won't remember it.

Laf then began to kiss down my body and I left out a breathy moan as he kissed my inner thighs. Just from how sensitive I was his lips touching their could make me orgasm. Yet I held it and he kissed my bare woman area.

I may or may not have shaved before going out. I don't usually and it's a special occasion. It's been months since I've gotten laid.

"Fucking Laf please just go!" I cry out and arch my back as Laf plunged into my dark abyss. I hiss at the feeling. My eyes rolled back into my brain as I felt my self drooling. His big dick energy touched all the right places.

"Shit Y/N I'm so close!" I moaned and simply started helping moving my hips with him. Eventually flipping him over and riding him. My legs where actually pretty freaking strong so It was simple for me to do so.

I screamed as he touched the back nerve of my vagina. He instantly came and I felt his warm liquids fill me. I crawl off him and lay back, "did you cum?" He asked and I shook my head no.

He then again kissed down my body and really gently, fingered my ass while eating me out. Lord this man knows how to make a woman scream. I cry out as I sprayed my liquid something I have never actually done.

We both came down from our high sharing one last kiss before passing out from exhaustion.
I awoke alone, naked yet I didn't think anything of it. I must have hooked up with someone and just don't remember it. From my wet sheets I could tell I had fun.

I got dressed and showered, put my sheets in the wash and took my birth control pill just in case. I can't get pregnant with a strangers baby.

While I was cleaning I found a letter,

Dear Y/N,
Last night I had the most fun I've ever had with a girl. Thank you for that, I wish to hang out with you more. Not for sex but I've actually liked you for a long time. If you would like id love to have dinner with you at [fanfy restaurant]


I grinned and pulled out my phone and texted Laf.



I went into full writers mode and wrote this in eleven minutes. XD woooo yay I'm not editing this shit. Also when I read smut it all says the girls cum all over the males dick but do girls realize that we don't actually like cum every time. Like nothing really comes out we just get super wet. Like we still have orgasm and feel that pleasure but we are not like guys and just spray shit. Now sometimes girls squirt buts it's not a like a everytime thing.

So yeah edimucation kids...

Okay bye...

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