James Madison X Reader

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So I don't think I have written anything with James Madison in these....56 chapters? Yeah this books a mess...Ill probably make a second one soon that way I will have less of a mess as my book. I hope you like, don't forget to comment, leave suggestions, and spread the word that....I AM GREAT!!!!

Warning: Extreme Fluff, adorable, Jacob Satores triggered, YOU CAN WEAR MY SWEATSHIRT...


It was December 19 on a Saturday morning in New York City, and honestly I was freezing. Snow lightly fell from the sky. I was with some of my best friends and crush, Thomas, Peggy, Aaron, Theodosia, and my crush James Madison. While his twin Hercules was more aggressive and tough. James is a soft and gentle soul and possibly the most caring person I know.

We sit in the coffee shop bags surrounding us as we had finished up our Christmas shopping earlier that morning. I smile as we sent small talk around me, Theo, and Peggy made jokes and Peggy talked about how excited she was about Maria moving in with her. Theo talked about how excited she was about her and Aaron having a baby. It was great, while yes I was jealous how they all had relationships. It was nice, Thomas was single and so was James but we where the single squad.

Suddenly Thomas jumped up spilling his coffee all over me. I scream in shock and stand up. "Oh my god Y/N! I'm so sorry!" Thomas says and I look over to see why he jumped. There was John and Alexander, Thomas's Ex boyfriend. "You spilled coffee on me because of Hamilton?!" I ask and he chuckles and looks away.

I notice John and Alex walk over while I dab napkins on my shirt and remove my jacket. "Y/N!" Alex chirped and I smiled over at him. "Hello Alexander, Hello John!" I say and quit dabbing setting my napkin down. Alex completely ignored Burr, James, and Jefferson.

We all talked for a while until John and Alex left hand in hand. Thomas was raging and was furious at the act. "Come on Tommy, lets go back to your house and watch a movie. You can make macaroni and cheese to calm you down." Peggy says standing from her seat and grab Thomas's arm. (I don't ship it) I smile at her as she drove the ranting man out of the coffee shop. "Aaron we have to go pick up something..." Theo says winking at me.

"What no we..." Theo covered his mouth and pulled him out leaving me and James. "Soo wanna do some window shopping?" James asked and I nodded. We had been to at least three stores when the cold hit and I realized that I left my jacket. "Fuck..." I whisper yell as I felt a chill creep up my spine. "What's wrong?" James asks giving me a worried look before chuckling.

"You Left your jacket didn't you?" He asked in a teasing tone and I nodded. Feeling emotions swirl through me. Mainly embarrassment. I just bit my lip and shyly looked away. "I...I'm sorry..." I apologize and he laughs harder making my stomach turn.

"It's okay Y/N! Here you can where my sweatshirt!" He pulls off the blue hoodie and hands it to me. Which I gratefully put on before giggling. "Jacob Satores is quaking!" I say and James burst into a laugh. One that I could never get sick of.

"You know Y/N your my best friend..." he confesses and I felt my heart shatter. Friend zoned...that's what happened. I was just friend zoned. God does it hurt, tears swelled up into my eyes and I felt my heart begin to race.

"Jemny I have to go home...I need to feed Fritos." I say remembering my turtle I owned. "Okay Y/N!" He kisses my cheek before blushing and looking away. "See ya later possibly more then best friend~" he winks and my cheeks flare into a visible red. I squeal internally and rush home.

After feeding my turtle and crawling onto my couch I remember I was still wearing James hoodie. God it smelled like him. I slowly pulled the hoodie up to my nose and breathed in. Taking in the minty chocolate smell he always seemed to have.

I felt my heart warm up and I slowly fall asleep. Dreaming of what my future holds with James.


sorry that had taken forever also I was hoping to write another one shot book. Sander Sides or BMC? You guys vote, I might also make a second one of these books. But why waste my time with a second one. Anyways love ya kiddos!

A Cinnamon Roll

Ps.leave suggestions

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