King George III X Sameul

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Short but if you want a part two ask. This is kinda fluff but I like it anyways love you guys <3

I had just gotten out of the shower and threw on some boxers. Saying it was the middle of summer and it got pretty toasty in me and George's small apartment. George sat on the red couch. I hate the ugly thing, it looked as if it belonged in a old nursing home, but George loved it.

Saying it was the only thing to remind him of his grandma. I curl into George's lap and flutter my eyes shut. Until I heard a marker cap pop, my eyes open wide and I felt the cold tip touch my back. "Darling?" I hear a soft hum and I rise my head up from the sofa. "What are you doing?" I ask and George chuckles.

"Writing stuff, relax baby~" George began to sing a soft tune instantly sending me to sleep. A couple of hours later I woke up alone. I sat up and groaned as I noticed I was alone. Although on the coffee table laid a note.

Dear Samuel,
          I have gone out to ;) anyways I will be back soon. And be ready for me!

      Lots of Love,
                           King Daddy~ <3

My face flushed at the not so innocent thoughts. What was George getting and why was it making me all hyped up? I rushed to the bathroom and began stripping my clothes until something caught my eye.

On my back I noticed the words

  Property Of George King the III

I blushed at the words written in permanent sharpie. How did I forgot him using that bloody thing is still a question. I started the bathwater and grabbed a washcloth. My phone dings and I pick it up to see a snap chat message from George.

He was in a coffee shop next to a bag from Spencer's with a winky face. I blushed and felt my self slowly become turned on. I quickly wash my body and get dressed in one of George's sweatshirt and my lacy panties. Before laying on my bed playing on my phone until George came home....


Yeee not that good less then 400 words. Anyways I have been kind of stressed lately and can't update that much. Anyways love ya again and I need to stop saying anyways...

                   A stressamon Roll

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