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Started Writing: December 7,2018
Actual Upload: December 10th, 2018

Time Era:Modern
Time Set: Winter
Warning: Fluff, cheating, romance!

              3rd POV
    "WHERE IS HE?"  A young h/c screamed running swinging open the door. The two males stand up fear in one eyes and confusion. "MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE! IS IT TRUE?" She screams and Hercules looks over at his french boyfriend.

And watched as his face goes white. "Laffy?" Hercules says under his breath and Lafayette just stands there. "I'm going to take your silence as a yes! My god Marquis this is like the third time. I gave you to many chances. We are done! I bet your man will be done with you once he realizes that we have been dating for three years. With that you cheated on me twice. Well now three times."

She snarkily says, "this girl is lying! She must be a maniac or something." Lafayette whispers over to his lover. Well Hercules didn't believe it. "We need proof!" Mulligan finally says and she smirks. Before stepping out the door.

Lafayette takes a breath of relief and Hercules smile at him and the are fixing to get back to their show (Doctor Who). When the woman comes back holding a two or three year old child. The kid looked to be half awake.

From the child wearing a dress he quickly assumed it was a girl. Her hair looked just like Lafayette's frizzy and poof. "I stayed with you because of Marie! So this is your proof!" She shouts and I let go of Lafayette.

"Momma!" The little girl cried out a slight French accent tinged in her voice. Hercules begins to back away. "This is all your fault!" Lafayette shouted at her. "Marquis I loved you! I gave you everything. Brought a child into this world because I knew you where the one...clearly I was wrong..." she said and sets the little girl on the ground.

"Marie go say goodbye..." The toddler rushed over to Lafayette and hugged his leg. "Y/N....I'm sorry...." he picked up Marie pecked her cheek and set her down and Hercules just sat in horror.

"Good bye Hercules....Good bye Y/N...good bye my Petite Lion..." Lafayette then ran out. Grabbed his keys, wallet, and cell phone. Y/N bit her lip. "I did what was right Mr..." Y/N walked over to Hercules and sat down next to him.

"How long have you to been together?" She asked her voice now sweet with compared to the terrifying mad Mother voice. "Two years!" He said and quickly added 'its Hercules Mulligan...' Y/N watched as her child wandered around the room.

Hercules clicked the tv off and leaned back. "I'm so confused! This all happened too fast." He said waving is arms around then throwing his hands into his head.

"Me and Lafayette met in college....at first we where friends but two years later I confessed my feelings and we technically where dating...then when we graduated I gave him my gift...child....Once Marie was born we made our relationship official. A year later I found Lafayette asleep with another woman...I forgave him...Marie needed a father...then a month later I found him asleep with a guy...the idiot kept getting caught. Yet I forgave him and went on with life. We where fine for another two years before....Alexander...My brother...told me you and him where dating. He was gone a lot during the day....and always was off somewhere I'm guessing with you on Saturdays and Fridays but he made me have no suspicion. I thought it was just guys being guys." She finally says and sets a hand on Hercules's shoulder.

He brushed her off and looked at the wall. "We dated for two years...he told me work kept him busy....no wonder he didn't wanna move in with me." Hercules flings himself back onto the couch.

"Look maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Y/N L/N 26 year old Photographer!" She cheers and extends her hand to the saddened man. He smiles a bit and shakes her soft hand and says, "Hercules Mulligan, 28 year old Designer!" The two smile at each other feeling a warning in their hearts.....

9 years later....

The couple smiled at each other. While the two children squealed with delight as they looked at Christmas lights. Marie was now 12 and Their son John W. Mulligan was 4. Adding to that with one on the way but they don't know yet. Only Y/N knows...

"And that kids is how we met!" Hercules cheered looking over at his wife. Her eyes sparkled at the amazing twinkling lights. Y/N noticed his staring and swung around pecking his nose.

"I love you!" She whispers and stares into his eyes. "I love you too babygirl!" Their lips lock and slowly the scene fades out with cursive three letters on it....


Boi was that fun! It was kind of weird and awkward at the beginning but I had to cut it short since I lost interest in it...

                   A Cinnamon Roll



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