Hammie and Eliza

999 15 6

Suggested by Carl! Thanks Carl lillian858

A dark cold night in New York City, the wind was blowing. Snow piles laid on the ground and Alexander was sitting inside a warm cafe. Drinking hot coffee that warmed his entire body making a smile appear on his face.

Eliza on the other hand had just been kicked out of her apartment for getting in a fight with her sisters. They didn't want Eliza back till morning. Of course Eliza knew Peggy was just mad and she'd call Eliza at any second. But that didn't change the fact that she was stuck outside in the cold. Wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Alright kid it's Eleven time to go!" The owner of the coffee shop, Martha Washington, sat a hand on Alexander's shoulder. He nodded and packed up his belongings saying good night to her and exited the warm shop.

As the cold blasted his face he began speeding down the side walk. Car horns honked and sirens went off in the distant. Alex's eyes where glued to his phone screen as he read the daily news.

Like a earthquake Alexander runs into Eliza. Literally, she tumbled over and mumble a curse word to her self. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, are you okay Miss?" Alexander helped Eliza up and she dusted her jacket off. "Eliza, also it's okay..." she says and shudders as a swig if cold hair hits her neck.

"Why are you out in the cold dressed like that?" Alexander asked and she shyly looked away and mumbled something. "Long story..." was all Alexander could make out.

Five seconds later Alex removes his coat and handed it to the freezing girl. "I can't possibly!" She starts and pushes the jacket away. "Take it, you need it more then I!" Alex says and she smiles at him and grabs his jacket putting it on.

"Thank you..." she mutters and her phone rings. "That's my sister, thank you kind sir!" She says and rushed off Alexander smiling like a idiot.

When Eliza got off the phone she reached into the jackets pocket and pulled out a note.

Call me~123-456-7891

Ps: yes I do have my number already written down just Incase I run into a pretty lady like your self <3

Her heart fluttered and she squealed in excitement. "I HAVE A CRUSH!" She yelled and people glanced at her looking at her like she was mad. "Sorry..." then she whispered. "I have a crush!"

Fin~⭐️                                                                           My phone is being an ass! This is short and to the point. Alexander is a flirt obviously. Eliza is a cinnamon roll!

Anyways hope you like

                   C. Roll

(Yes Im to lazy to type out cinnamon roll)

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