Philip X Reader

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Word Count: 1405
This took fücking forever! Sorry for updating after so long. I have been super busy with school and shit. Anyways enjoy!

Warning: Teacher Flirting, sex, masturbation, kInKy, mentions of baguettes.
Y/N Burr was Theodosias older sister by one year. Y/N was born 1999 and Theodosia was born 2000. While Philip who was Y/N age was best friends with Theodosia it was Y/N who captured his heart.

Yes Theodosia loves Philip but she knew Y/N loved him infinite. So she pushed her feelings aside. A large part of her felt like their relationship wouldn't last. But two years later and they are still strong as balls. Although this angered a lot of girls and boys. You see Philip was a very attractive man.

Just about everyone straight or not would smash him in a heart beat. While Y/N was considered the nerd, she was gorgeous yes, but her brains over powered her. Now that the two where in Collage the two of them have gained many of admirers.

Including people that shouldn't be admiring them. For example Professor Eacker. He taught law, at Kings Collage. Both Y/N and Philip had law together so they sat next to each other and basically followed one another around like lost puppy dogs.

While Y/N wrote away taking notes and working on her project Eacker walked up to the couple. Probably breaking a million rules he sat on Philips desk and leaned over. Y/N shot him a glare and Philip and Eacker began talking.

While Y/N tried to block them out she couldn't help but notice something. George Eacker was flirting with Philip, and he was completely oblivious to it. "You know if you ever need help you could come and ask!" The Professor says and leans closer. Philips face flushed and he nodded rapidly. Causing Y/N to practically blow a fuse.

"I THINK JOHN MADISON NEEDS YOUR HELP!" She slammed down her laptop and stood up pointing to the confused boy. He opened his mouth to protest but she glared  at him making him instantly shut up. "Oh uh...sorry Mr.Madison coming right over..." Eacker leaned over and whispered something into Philips ear causing him to blush.

Y/N stood up grabbed her things and stormed out of the classroom. "THAT PERVERTED SICK MOTHER FUCKER!" She whisper yelled and heard Philip start to chase after her. "y/n" he called out and she spun around her face paled and her eyes landed on her lover.

"Hey Pip!" She cheered out and he walked up to her. "Y/N are you okay I've never seen you act that way?" He says and I blush and look away before he smirks and grabs my hand. "Where you jealous?" He asks and I breathed in simply ignoring his question. "Jealousy runs in my family..." she says and Philip chuckles before pressing the female against the wall and kissed her.

Smiling into the kiss she kissed back wrapping her arms around her. "Show off...." Both teens looked over at the twenty nine year old Professor Eacker. Who glares at the h/c girl and sashays off. Damn he had sass! (And a ass...or is a of the two...)

His knee slid up between the females legs and he began to rub her area. "We are not having sex outside our classroom...." Y/N says through kisses and Philip frowns. "Awww damn..." he says and she giggled pecking his cheek before he throws her over his shoulder and began sprinting.

She squealed and giggled as her face was against Philips lower back. "Pip your a asshole!" She said as they trailed down the stairs her squealing every time he touched a stair. When the dorms came into a view the h/c girl let out a sigh of relief and Philip pulled her back over as they approached the door.

Looking around she wraps her legs around his torso and begins kissing his neck. Philip stumbles as he opened the door let them in and locked it. Deep breaths went in and out of his mouth as she bit and sucked on his sensitive neck. Her tongue swirled over the fresh hickeys and her teeth created new ones.

"Babe....I have a interview in two days....those better not be there..." Philip says and sits down on the bed. Usually Philip was very dominant always making the moves, but today. Today was different, Y/N was trying something new. Also trying to prove that she's better then Eacker. Her hips went back and forth as she groinded her self upon him.

Pulling his shirt up to her she kisses him and he just as forceful kissed back. Throwing the boys shirt over his head and began to attack his chest. When she sat up looking at her shirtless boyfriend covered in hickys she smirked to her self. Success at what she was created. Philip tried to sit up to take over but she pushed him back down. "No, no, no, baby, I'm gonna show you how much more I can please you then Eacker...." her voice could have caused Philip to have a nose bleed. So lustful and passionate holding anger and sadness inside.

"Then show me...i dare you" Philip said the trigger word. Daring Y/N to do anything was like asking a Bull to hug you. She went bat shit crazy kissing and grinding and palming. Philip was in so much pleasure he didn't even notice his girlfriend not getting any back. When she pulled his boxers and pants down and began to lick him up and down while fingering her self. Philip couldn't help but feel the tiniest amount of guilt.

Although the guilt soon faded as she took a deep breath and began deep throating the moaning boy. Her tongue licking his tip tracing the skin. (Ey yo it's ya boy...skinny penis) The moans that the female let out set vibrations up and down his...baguette? (Will go with baguette Wait nvm....we will just call it his boi)

Philip arched his back as his climax began to rise. Quickly he felt his legs shake and Y/N kissed his tip and began jerking him off. Then grabbed a tissue, "release...." she muttered and Philip did as told. His squeal And moans echoed through the apartment.

Y/N began stripping of her clothes and went to the bathroom. "Coming?" She asked and he jumped up smirking widely and rushed to his girlfriend...


I would have finished but I haven't updated in a while and decided to cut this short. Anyhow I hope ya losers like this...

                    A Cinnamon Roll

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