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Listen up Ladies, Gents, and Non Binary pals! I have a rant!

For one I went to homecoming last night and it was completely awful. I had no fun, my date just stood in a corner the entire time. No fun 1/10 not going next year. My heart was broken when my date told got mad at me for not wanting to be in s relationship so I cried. Yay!

Now onto my real rant and something I need advice on. A situation that's really fucked up. So my bestfriend was talking to this boy on Instagram that she met over a month ago after he messaged her. The two of them began talking and he confessed his feelings for her. The night of my schools homecoming football game.

My other friend wanted to make sure this boy was okay for our best friend so messaged him. Immediately she fell for him. As they began talking and talking while him saying he loved my best friend. Soon he started saying he loved my friend then changed them to dating.

Without telling my best friend! I am in the most fucked up situation ever. My best friend, was texting a guy who said he loved him, he made her blush, made her feel loved romantically, then went to my other friend and said the same things.

Guess what that friend is still with him. She chose to still talk to that guy, me and my best friend have told her to block him immediately. She didn't they are still fucking dating and I am so mad about it. This is fucking awful, Carl, this boy doesn't deserve you honey. And I know my friend who is dating him won't read this but it's really fucked up that your still with him. I don't care if he reminds you of your Ex.

You call Carl your best friend yet you still stay with the guy that hurt her. That's really fucked up.

So what should I do to help them readers?

How can I fix my friends?

How can I kill this guy?

How can high school be I stressful for freshmen?

A Cinnamon Roll

Btw I got a Instagram: frenchestoffrys

Follow meeeehhh

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