Alexander Hamilton X Reader

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I'm writing this in school....yay I have a bio quizz next period that I should be studying for but....also this is on a new day now that was past Gracie. I had to stop being the fire alarm went off. Anyways back to the story~

Warnings:Tons of Fluffy Fluff, making out, alcohol, mentions of sex.

3rd person PoV

Alexander and Y/N woke up on two different sides of the world. Alexander In America, New York City. The big Apple, living life to the fullest. Y/N was a Princess in The UK. A gigantic ocean away, but so alike it's crazy.

January 11 a day that changes both teens lives. In every city there is a Cupid. This Cupid is a tattoo artist. On your 19 birthday you go to this Cupid tattoo parlor and the man or woman Cupid automatically knows what to give you. Your soulmate tattoo.

So in Britain Y/N and her mother went to a local Cupid Tattoo Parlor. In New York, Alexander and his friends went to the local Tattoo Parlor. As they entered both sitting down. Unaware their soulmate was doing the exact same.

Sat down in the chair, and the male and female Cupid gasped. "Your Soulmate And you are getting tattoos right now!" They say and the female smiles. Y/N felt excitement rush through her body.

Turning to her mother she chuckled and pressed her lips to her daughters forehead. "Now look away Ms.L/N..." the h/c girl looked away and felt heard the buzzing noise. As she tensed up twenty minutes later she was done.

Her arm felt numb and she looked over her eyes wide at the new marking.

The writer~

It was surrounded by leaves and a bush with thorns. F/c roses surrounded the cursive letters. "It's beautiful...." I say and the female looks at her. "Thank you Y/N!" She cheered and Y/N mother looked down at her daughter grinning from ear to ear.

New York held a whole other story. John, Lafayette, and Hercules cheered Alexander on. All of them but John got their tattoos. John secretly hoped his soulmate was Alexander. The lawyer that has captured his heart.

And The Singer~

Everyone starred at it, surrounded by pencils and books. Making it give a Harry Potter-ish vibe. "Guess it's not you John!" Hercules says and John forcefully elbowed his friend. "The singer?!? What the hell is that suppose to mean. Do you know how many people can sing in this world?!?" Alex ranted as they walked down the side walk.

Back To the U.K and Y/N POV

"Can I please go to New York! Momma!!!!" I begged. I was on my knees finally my mother gave in. "Fine but you must bring at least two body guards. You know how much Americans like The British!" My mothers voice rings in my ears and I squeal in excitement. "THANK YOU MUM THANK YOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I cried out and kissed my moms cheek hugging her tightly.

"Okay, okay, Y/N go pack you will leave tomorrow at 5am!" I nodded and ran up my stairs. Rapidly packing my bags. By the time I finished it was 6pm. After dinner I quickly bathed and went to sleep...

New York Alexander PoV

"RAISE A GLASS TO FREEDOM!" Laurens slurred putting an arm over my shoulder. Me and the guys where at Lafayette's house drinking and partying. He even invited the Schuyler sisters. Peggy was dancing on the table technically stripping. Eliza was trying to stop her while Angelica sang.

Laf, And Hercules where making out in the corner. Probably won't remember this night. John and I held up our beers and clunked them together. "Congrats bro!" He says and I chuckle. John and I have been friends since freshman year. Of High School, now we where Collage Freshmen.

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