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Short chap I wrote in Theater

December 14,2018
Word Count:

            Alexander POV
I slip on my pants and look over at the sleeping french man. I smile at him peck his forehead watching a smile spread across his face. I began to tip toe out and close the door.

I look around the living room for my shirt. Quickly I spot it on the tv. I chuckled remembering last nights shenanigans. It started off with us playing truth or dare or strip. Then once I was only in a shirt and boxers I dared him to kiss me.

A smirk spread across his lips and he chuckled and pressed his lips to mine. This felt strange, better then with Eliza. Then I woke up in his bed.

My ass sore and hickys across my chest. I slipped out and quickly ran home and see Peggy standing outside the door. Her smile faded and she looked furious. "Where on earth have you been?" She asks and lets me in and I see Eliza crying and Angelica holding her.

"I knew it Alexander! I knew it I knew it! You where cheating on me!" I threw my hands into the air and ask, "WHY DO YOU THINK I CHEATED?" Peggy smirked.

"Your wearing Lafayette's clothes, and you smell like French food!" I look at Peggy for someone who dated Lafayette for three months before he said He was gay. She knows his scent pretty well. "I knew that gay fucker would get you soon!" Angelica say and I look at her and furrow my eye brows.

"Don't call him that!" I say and Eliza stands up. "Then go to him Alexander! I hope that you Burn in hell!" She yells and I cross my arms. "Fine! But don't think I don't know about you and Maria!"

Tears appeared in my eyes at her shocked look and her face flushed. Angelica backed away and Peggy looked hurt. "Wh...what...Betsy?" She looks at her and I smirk. Before leaving and slamming the door.

I drive to Lafayette's and we smooch and fuk!


Quick and too the point XD

                    A Cinnamon Roll

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