Eliza SchuylerXreader

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I don't remember everything so I'm gonna make it my way!

Eliza's POV

I created a monster, a monster name Y/N. I blamed my self, Thomas (aka Heather) Alex and John (Kurt and Ram), Y/N mother for not reaching out, Y/N father for being an ass, and the entire school. But I'm way at the top!

Our love was god....We where inseparable. Then it happened...it's like the world turned against us. Now I have to stop my monster...the person I loved.

I arrive at school and James Madison runs up to me. "ELIZA YOUR ALIVE!" He says and I nodded. "Y/N told me you committed suicide, the councilor had a huge ceremony planned out!" I smiled at James and hugged him.

"I'm fine just get to safety..."I say and he looks at me confused but runs off. I run up to someone, "excuse me can you tell me what's under the school?" I ask and the girl nods. "The boiler room!" She says. Of course!

I run down the stairs and into the foggy moist room. There was Y/N messing with what I can guess is bombs. "Don't do it Y/N!" I say and they look up. "Eliza baby! I was wondering when you where gonna show up" they say and I cringe at the nickname.

"Y/N it doesn't have to be this way! We can still fix this!" They chuckled and shook there head. "My dear Eliza you can't fix anything. They hurt us! This entire town revolves around Kings High school! Once it's gone we will finally be free!" They say and I shake my head no.

"Fine...I guess I have to do this alone" they say and pull out a gun. My eyes widened and I lung forward. "Eliza babe it's no use!" They say and I push them against the wall in pain they drop the weapon and I quickly grab it.

"Disable the bombs Y/N...." I say and point the gun at them. "How about No!" They say and try to trip me causing me to panic and shoot. They scream In pain and I furrow my eyebrows. "I'm not afraid to shoot again...." I say and stare down at my ex.

In defeat Y/N stands and straps the bomb to their chest. I was in fear that they would set it off but no instead they walked outside. I followed closely behind and watched as they turned around pressing a light kiss on my cheek.

"Our love is god...." they say in a whisper and then....I watched as my ex gets blown up....my heart raced and my eyes widened.

I look away and then trudge back inside the building. Now students where rushing outside to go see what happened. "Hey Peggy...." I say and grab my old best friends shoulder. She glares at me and I smile a bit.

"Wanna spend the night Friday we can watch the Princess Bride..." I say and she smiled jumping up hugging me. "That would be great Eliza!" She says and I hug back........although the pain in my heart would not extinguish....our love really was something else....

I know this has been done before, but i liked it. I thought it was a good idea, and short. If you guys want to know how there relationship started please do ask. Anyways boys and girls and non binary pals remember to wear your seatbelts...

                    A Cinnamon Roll 

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