Thomas Jefferson X reader

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Our relationship started out strong, happy filled with love and joy. Although it slowly became like a flower. Wilting ever so slightly every day. Fights started, the both of us accusing the other. Many people asked why the hell we are still together.

God I asked my self that every day, every morning I wake up to him. An arm around my waste his face nuzzled into my neck. Our fight last night went like any other. This time it was about dinner, but I ended with us having sex.

It got to the point where I feel like I was forced to be in a relationship with him. My heart can't bare being away from this frizzy haired man. But it hurts when we fight. It hurts to be around him. I keep remembering our fights which weakens me.

"Morning sunshine...." I hear a husky voice say and I giggle and look down at Thomas. His head laying on my breast. "Good morning darling~" I say and he pecks my nose. "Gha morning breath!" I say and he rolls his eyes chucking. "Morning breath this..." he began tickling my sides and burst out in laughter. My arms and legs flying around and eventually he stopped. I somehow ended up on top of him our noses touching.

"I love you...." he says and my heart melts. That's why I couldn't leave, we loved each other. More then anything, our love was passionate at times then terrifying at other. "I love you too baby..." I say and he pressed his lips to mine and I felt a smile be pressed against it.

"It's hard to kiss when you smiling...." he says and I chuckle and his body is suddenly pulled against mine. As the day went on I got home from work to a empty house. I did my usual changed into comfy clothes and sat down with a snack.

I turned on my favorite, Dr.Phill, and ate my (f/N) with my eyes glued to the screen. Suddenly I get a text,

Babe- I love you!!!!

Me- I love you too babe, that's so random....

I expected a response but got nothing. I continued watching some lady go off on her husband for sleeping with her sister. My phone buzzed and I picked up to the unknown number.

Me- Hello this is Y/N Jefferson

"Yes, hello Mrs. Jefferson yes I am sorry to tell you this over the phone. Your husband got in a fatal car crash....I'm so sorry" I drop my phone. My entire world came crashing down. I screamed and cried for hours and hours. Friends came by to comfort me but only one person stayed by my side. That was Alexander Hamilton, Alex hated Thomas but as much has he hated to admit it. Those two where probably like best friends.....


So this was short I know, but it's just a small filler chapter. So everyone let's talk. My best friend could die soon....I'm not kidding of lying or anything....let's just have a one on how ever many people are reading this.

I love my friends so god damn much and it kills me that one of my best friends is hurt. I have been so stressed recently and I just need someone to vent to. School and my friends and my family everything is going down hill. Nobody told me that growing up was like this. Everything just constantly hurts and I want to scream and shout and just....It's hard to express my emotions....

Love you guys!

                  A sadnnamon Roll

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