John LaurensXreader Smut

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Catherine, Dylan DO NOT READ THIS! I REPEAT DO NOT READ THIS! Everyone else you are welcome to read this...

Warning: Sex, Toys, Teasing, making jokes, and Jacob Satoris quaking.


I was in my boyfriend sweatshirt and that was it. I had underwear on of course but it was a rainy day and I felt like doing nothing. I enter the living room to see John on the couch watching a movie. I go over and sit in is lap burying my self in his chest.

Something about him seemed off like he was trying to hide something......ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I smirk and I felt my ass brush against something. My face was buried in his neck and I knew he was uncomfortable. "What are you wearing love?" He asks and I move around a bit.

"Your sweatshirt...." I say and he chuckles setting his chin on my head. I silently hummed a tune while messing with my boyfriends curly hair. Something I knew he liked, and with him already being extremely turned on it will only be seconds before he cracks.

Slowly I leaned back pressing my self more against him setting little butterfly kisses across his neck. "Love...what you doing?" His voice cracked halfway through I chuckle. "Just spending time with my boyfriend~" I say and shift again causing him to let out a soft moan.

"Babygirl...." he whispered and I giggled. "Your so sensitive Jacky!" I say and get up sashaying off purposely swinging my hips entering the kitch. I stand on my tippy toes and go into the Cabinet and grab a jar of peanut butter. With a spoon I ate peanut butter my back facing the kitchen entrance. (Side note randomly eating peanut butter is normal for me soo)

I hummed a theme song from a TV show. I think earth is a pretty great place! That's saying something cause I come from- I am suddenly picked up from behind and turned around my butt sat on the counter. I let out a squeak and tight my grip on the spoon in my mouth.

I smirk down at my boyfriend and put the spoon in his mouth. Both our faces flushed red and I pulled the now clean spoon out. "Your such a god damn tease babe~" He says into my ear and I kiss his cheek. "Who me?" I say smirking and he forcefully pressed his lips against mine.

"Yes you....." He says and I chuckle. "Couldn't be..." I say remembering my childhood book 'Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar' and he laugh and leaned into another kiss. I put my hand up to separate us. "We are not having sex on the counters I make dinner on." I say and he rolls his eyes throwing me older his shoulder.

I squeal in surprise and become face to face with a ass. No not John, it's Johns butt. "Like the view" he says and I roll my eyes. "You have a nice butt." I say and am suddenly thrown onto the bed. Then being forcefully kissed. "Someone's excited!" I say and stick out my tongue. "No shit Sherlock!" He says and I pull him back to me.

We kiss like the french, our tongues in the others mouth. (idk how to do the whole exploring each others mouth thing. I mean like my tongue isn't that long so how do people do that?)

He then begins leaving butterfly kisses on my neck. My face was bright red and my sweatshirt magically left my head. (Oh yeah we be at Hogwarts bitches! I'm kidding, she had to take the sweatshirt off her self!)

As his lips travel down to my breast and he leaves hickeys from my collar bone down. I gently use my knee to massage his...(cleaver thing to call a John? Ew. Tiny Turtle? Oof. Manhood? Cringe. Le gASP i know)

Against his Jacky Chan.....(I am not sorry.....yes I am....) he lets out a groan and within seconds his clothes are on the floor. I didn't even have time to warm up he just inserted himself into my warm depth. (Yes a woman's vagina is a black hole....just imagine if women's vaginas where actual black holes. The men would turn gay and us women would never be satisfied)

I arch my back at the sudden...filment...he uses his thumb to brush against my clit. That one bundle of nerves setting me off the edge. Gasp and soft moans left my mouth. As I got closer and closer to my orgasm. My breaths got quicker and quicker.

"Fuck....John....babe....faster..." I say in between breaths. "Y/N Im not sonic the hedgehog I can't go at the speed of light" I roll my eyes and punch his arm playfully. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. Removing both himself and his thumb making me groan.

"Baby I'm sorry....please..." I whine and he chuckled. "Nope! I'm going to see Alex...bye babe!" He says and quickly gets dressed. "ASSHAT!" I yell and he laughs before hearing the door slam.

I quickly dial Alexander and he answers, "what?" He says and I roll my eyes. "John is on his way over there. Please tell him that he won't be allowed back home tonight if he doesn't get his ass back here. Thanks Alex bye" I say and hear a Okay before hanging up.

"That dick!" I yell and reach over into the nightstand grabbing a toy....

I actually really like this one I made a lot of jokes....

A Cinnamon Roll

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