This is a bit of everything

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So I am tempted to write a smut to make my friend really uncomfortable butttttttttttttttttt I seriously don't have any inspiration. So I am gonna have a short.....*shudders* Jamilton, because I was on Pinterest and got some inspiration from one Jamilton picture!

Alexander Hamilton POV

I haven't slept in a week I was weak I was awake you've never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break. Longing for Lafayette, Missing my husband, that when Mr. Thomas Jefferson walked into my life. He said "I know you are a man of honor Im sorry to bother you at home. But I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone" he said "My husband doin me wrong, beatin' me, cheaten' me, mistreatin' me... Suddenly he's up and gone I don't have the means to go on"

So I offered him a loan, offered to walk him home, he said "Your to kind sir~" My face flushed red as he winked at me. I gave him thirty bucks that I socked away he lived a block away he said. "This ones mine sir" Then I said "well, I should head back home," he turned red lead me to his bed, let his legs spread and said. "Stayyyyy~" 

I furrow my eyebrows, "Nope! Nope!" I walk out of the house slamming the door closed. I walked up north and found my husband. I found him kissed him said "Sorry Lafayette but my love for Hercules is final! I shall always be satisfied. The Hercules picked Alexander off into the sunset joining John Laurens in the clouds.....

What really happened....

 I turned red looked away ashamed of what I was fixing to do, I lean in and press my lips to Thomas's.....

They where everywhere, the looks I got from people where horrible. My own Husband couldn't even look at me. I watched as he broke down crying at the dinner table, everything was going fine until Lafayette walked in. He looked furious and showed the 'Jefferson Pamphlets' I watched as his face went from angry to sad. Tears fell out of his eyes, "Hercules-" I start and he stands clenching the paper tight. "GET OUT ALEXANDER!" he yelled and I felt tears rise and I run out of the house. I sit on the door step unsure of what to do. 

Hours pass, pedestrians that walked passed gave me looks of disapproval. My heart sunk at the thought of hurting the one I love most. "Alex...I am so sorry, but this is your own fault..." I look up to see my past lover John Laurens. Who was shot while at war, and I felt tears rise. "Come on darlin..." he out stretched his hand and pulled me up. I felt his arms wrap around me and the tears pour out of my eyes. "Oh god John I missed you so much! I feel so bad for hurting Hercules!" I cry out and John whispers stuff into my ear as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Come on Alexander!" John says and points to the amazing sunset in front of us. I turn back to see Hercules and Lafayette surrounding my body the flask in clenched in my right hand. I look back at John smiling a hand stretched out to me. I take it and he pulls me into a hug, I felt a ghost like pair of lips touch mine and I look over my shoulder to see Hercules trying to revive me. Tears poring down his face and I smiled to my self as Lafayette had an arm wrapped around him. I knew my Hercules would be okay....

I actually really liked that, it had a bit of everything! The endings my favorite although, also if you didn't notice but Alexander Died from an overdose. I know suicide is a very sensitive topic for a lot but just to let you all know there are always people out there to help. A trusted adult, a close friend, hell you can even talk to me! I know life is tough but I believe everyone can kick the hard times in the ass! I love you all!


                   A Cinnamon Roll <3

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