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Don't worry it's not creepy...

Warning- n/n means nickname d/n means daughters name. This may make you sad depends on how much of a emotional mess you are....

It hurt me to look at my niece every time I looked at him I saw my dead husband. My daughter took my looks, her fathers freckles but my niece looked just like John. Tiny differences yes but his facial structure and hair showed how much he looked my like husband.

My daughter is 4, and doesn't even remember her father. I found out I was pregnant in July of 1781 and told John exactly as soon as I found out. He was so excited to make our family larger, and Have my godchild Philip grow with my daughter. He got to know his daughter for one year.

Treated her like a princess and loved her more then anyone. Of course he still treated me like a queen and loved me unconditionally. I sat on Philips bed watching the small boy sleep after reading him his night time story.

Minute past and Philips eyes flutter open. "Auntie N/N..." he mutters and I smile softly. "Yes Philip?" I ask and he sits up wiping his eyes. "Uncle John says he misses you and D/N!" Philip said it so suddenly I made me jump.

"What do you mean?" I ask and Philip crawls over and sits next to me. "Uncle John is sitting next to you. He said only I can see him but to tell you he is always with and you he misses you more then anything!" Philip cheered and a tear slid down my face. I leaned over an kissed Philip on the head.

"I miss him to Philip...more then anything..." I add and Philip hugs me. "He says he loves you and can not wait to see you on the other side" Philip added and I smile softly to the boy. Philip then got under his blanket and fell asleep. I felt warmth next to me and I smiled.

"I love you too John" I swear I felt a pair of lips touch my cheek.

15 years later

I rubbed my daughters back as she sobbed over the body of her lover. I felt tears slide down my face. "God bye my love I will see you on the other side!" She says and placed her lips on Philips. "I love you to....Y/N....John says he will see you soon!" I smiled softly and kissed Philips forehead. "Relax Pip....we will see you soon!" I say and I watched as his body fell lifeless.

D/N whaled and cried for her dead lover and pulled me close. Eliza and Alexander stood silently away, both tears not stopping. Philip was the last remains of my husband, sure I had my daughter but she couldn't speak to him. I soon fell into a coughing fit and Nurse ran in and pulled me out of the room.

I fainted and awoke to feeling weak. "Momma not you too..." I hear and I look over and smile at D/N. "I was going to tell you but..." I fell into a coughing fit. With spots of blood laced in spit. "Alex and Eliza and devisated!" She says and I smile at my daughter.

"Tell Eliza to come here" my daughter nodded and walked off. Moments later Eliza rushes in and grabs my hand. "Oh N/N not you too! Don't leave me!" She cries out and I smile. "Take care of D/N for me. Make sure she finds a nice man, maybe That Madison's kid! Treat her as your own Liza." I say and she nodded.

I soon felt light as air and I see John and Philip. Also my mother and father toned of people I lost. I ran up to John and hugged him. "Finally!" I say and he chuckles kissing my cheek. "I missed you love~"

Words- 666

Haha devil bitches! Anyways this one sucked...I'm not sorry...Anyways my next one is gonna be a LafayetteXreader smut! Because I love my french baguette, anyways no one ever requests any of these 😂😂 so I'm just making it up. You know pulling these stories out of my ass!

                   A Cinnamon Roll

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