LafayetteXreader Smut

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Warning- This is sex, what baguette, don't get caught, mentions of depression. The usual...oh god I'm such a awful person! I'm going to hell!
Brain-dumbass you don't believe in hell
(That's what the cool kids are saying right?)

Thanksgiving dinner with my family, never boring. Especially when you have to bring your boyfriend to this one. After three years of dating my parents suggested the ENTIRE family should meet my boyfriend.

Marquis De Lafayette, well he has a longer name French Fry Chan was just to lazy to type it out...........

We drove in silence I was nervous, and me and Laf got into a fight that morning over what to wear. So things where tense. Finally we pull into the drive way of my Grandmas house and Laf touches my thigh. "I'm sorry..." he finally says and I grin.

I lean over peck his cheek and opened my car door. "I'm sorry too, mon amour." I say and he chuckled. I can't speak french like at all. I only know the like typical stuff Bonjour, Salut, Merci, Oui, etc...

Although I was learning just for my french boyfriend. Because I'm the best girlfriend ever! Not to toot my own horn...

I walked up the drive way to the front door and didn't even get a chance to knock. The door swings open and my aunt in standing there. "MY BABY GIRL! LOOK AT YOU- MOM, CLAIR, HARPER EVERYONE ELSE ELIZABETH IS HERE AND SHE BROUGHT HER BOYFRIEND!" I hear yelling and then laughing.

Soon my entire family comes running out side onto the front porch. "Thanks aunt Martha..." I say glaring at her and she laughs. "No problem darling! We know how much you have been waiting to show us your boyfriend!" She says and I raise a eyebrow. My mom suddenly walks over to me and chuckles.

"Actually it's the quiet opposite I had to force her to bring him!" My mother says and I shrug. My mom elbowed me in the side and turned to Lafayette. "Oh hello Gilbert dear!" She says and hugs Lafayette kissing his cheek. My mother treated him as her son.

"Everyone this is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette" (love you copy and paste) I say and do like jazz hands. "Or Lafayette!" He says and everyone chuckled. Some people whispered and my father walks up to Laf and gives him a bro hug. They use to watch football together until I moved in with Laf in downtown New York.

Everyone introduced them selves and as we went back inside my cousins and aunts mumble, 'she picked a good one' 'he's french' 'god he is so hot' and my least favorite 'she better keep a close eye on him or else I might take him'. I am the type of girl to get jealous....really....really easily.

I rolled my eyes and put Lafayette's hand in mine. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead before I lead him inside. The smell of thanksgiving dinner went through the house. My grandmas Christmas tree already was up and a few gifts where even under them.

I already told my family that for Christmas I'm going to France with Lafayette. He wants me to meet his family. My mother wasn't to happy about it but he quickly went in after a small discussion with my father.

I sat at the bar stool while everyone talked to Lafayette. My little cousins screamed around playing and my older cousins flirted with my boyfriend. My aunts tried to calm there daughters (and sons) while talking to me.

"So how long till he pops the question?" My aunt Barbra asked and I blushed. "Uh Aunt Barb I don't think I'm suppose to know the answer to that. He will propose when he's ready." I say and my Aunt Barb smirks.

"So your ready?" She asks and I nodded and noticed Laf staring at us. I looked over and smiled at him which he great fully returned. My grandma walks up to me and hugs me before sitting down. "So have you two shaken the barn?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Pardon?" I say and my aunts chuckle handing me a wine glass. "You know rocked the boat~" my grandma winks and I blushed turning into a giggling mess. "Grandma that isn't something to discuss with your grandmother!" I say and she laughs.

"Oh please!" She says and my aunts began squealing. "Our little girl is growing up!" The all say and we all laugh. After hours and hours of talking and eating we all go out back for some dancing.

The thing was my cousins and there girlfriends where glued to Lafayette. Dancing with him (grinding on him) and more. It pissed me off to the point where I finished the rest of my wine and stormed up stairs. I went into my bedroom and began stripping my clothes. (Your mad, just STRIP YOUR CLOTHING OFF. I feel like that's a song...)

I started the water in my bathtub and hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I say and glance over covering my exposed breast. I see Lafayette enter and close the door. "What's wrong mon amour? You kind of just left to do you say...hanging?" He says and I chuckle and walk over to him and kiss his cheek.

"I got tired" I lied and instantly knew he didn't believe me. I turned off my bath water and pulled out a towel from under the sink. "You weren't jealous where you chéri?" He asks and hugs me from behind.

His arms against my bare chest and I giggled. "Why would I be jealous of my family" I say and he kissed the back of my neck. "Bébé you shouldn't be jealous! I love you more then life it self!" He says and I giggle again and turn around and kiss him.

"Je t'aime aussi!" I say and he smirks and pulled me into a deeper kiss. I pull away and he sets me on the sink. "You horny bastard! This is my grandparents house! My entire family is downstairs." I say as he kisses my neck and then goes back up to my lips. "Come on mon Cher!" He says and I chuckled connecting our lips together.

"Just be quiet!" I say and he rolls his eyes kissing my neck. "I should be telling you that!" He says and my face flushed to red. He comes up to french kiss me and while he does that I reach down and brush my hand against his now hard Baguette. (You people should have expected this)

I palm him through his hands and he lets out a shaky moan. Then he leaves hickeys all down my neck. I could tell because when I glanced in ten mirror I saw little red and purple-ish spots up and down my neck.

He uses one hand to fondle my boob and I use both my hands to keep me steady. He leans down and his tongue swirls around my hard nipple while I use my knee to press against his baguette.

Then because author Chan is lazy they fuck, and the entire family heard. The cousins all exchanged smirks and the grandma made dirty jokes all day while Reader Chan, Lafayette, and her parents all sat in embarrassment! THE FUCKING END!

You guys can't get mad at me for this sucking. I'm sick so I have not been feeling super inspired lately. I'm gonna work on another one shot, but I also have a smut one coming up soon. This was suppose to be good but I lost interest in it. Sorry guys, anyways I will update when I feel better!

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