HamiltonXPregnant Reader Fluff

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You didn't say which ship soo...

Suggested by: Aaron_BurrSir


Readers POV

When I got married two weeks later I went to my lady doctor to discuss children. That's when I learned something horrible. I couldn't have kids.

I was in such a shock when my taxi pulled up the driver looked concerned. I went into my apartment still in a stage of shock and collapsed on the floor. My legs just gave out.

Tears slowly swelled up in my eyes and I caught a lump in my throat threatening to let them fall. Eventually I gave up and let them fall. I screamed and cried until I'm guessing a neighbor called my husband.

I was laying right next to the floor on the ground in a fatal position. I couldn't stop crying and hyperventilating. Ever since I was young I knew I wanted children. Yet apparently I don't have enough eggs to actually make one.

I just cried and cried, and cried. It honestly is a wonder I wasn't dehydrated. Soon the door opened and I look up to see Alexander and Mrs. Wilson behind. (Our next door neighbor)

Alex immediately turned concerned and closed the door. "Y/N..." he said softly and crouched down to me. I took one look at him and cried harder. He will be devastated. Alex loves children and wants to be a father as much as I want to be a mother.

Alex picked me up and stumbled to carry me to our bedroom. Softly he tried to calm me down. After being with someone for eight years you learn how they work. Alex knew just what to say and within seconds I calmed down.

My breathing slowed down and I could finally compose my self. "Are you ready to tell me what's wrong?" He asked and I shook my head no. "I'm afraid that if I do it'll hurt you and make me cry more..."

"Baby nothing you can say can cause me to be hurt." I flinched when he said baby. Pushed my self away from him and sit cross cross. I grabbed both his hands and looked Alexander in the eye. "You know how I went to the female doctor today, Right?"

He shook his head yes, I could tell he knew where this was going. "I was told...that I couldn't..." I took a deep breath and braced my self. "Produce children..." I say and close my eyes tighten pushing back more tears. Yet failing saying I was already sensitive enough.

Alex was silent, "Y/N...oh honey I'm so sorry!" I looked at him and noticed tears began to fall causing me to cry harder. I cupped his cheeks, "please don't leave me!" I cry out and he puts his hands on my hands. "Why would I ever leave you?"

"Because I know how much you want children!"

He softly smiled and kissed me gently. "There are other ways to expand our family. We can adopt, or get a suroget." I smile softly at him and kissed him. There are other ways yes...

One Month later

I arch an eyebrow as I step off the scale. I apparently gained over ten pounds in the last week. "What the hell?" I question allowed. I looked into a mirror and yes I noticed a small bump in my stomach.

"Oh god I'm getting fat!" I say and furrow my eyebrows. Wait...is this natural.

For the next two hours I spent on the Internet looking up massive weight gains. Nothing really got me anywhere.

One Week later

"Honey come on!" Alexander yells, I look into the toilet where I threw up my lunch. I wiped my mouth and walked down stairs. "Darling I don't think we should do this today...I don't feel to good..."

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