
553 11 5

Word Count:705
Day Uploaded: January 20,2019
Warning: Angsty,breakup

Alexander's POV

I am the victim here! I didn't start this stupid argument. It's ridiculous...it's...it's...it's all John's Fault...right...it's all John's fault...

I am the Victim...

3rd Person Focus on Alexander•

The young man laid on his bed. Body slightly sunk into the soft mattress that used to have two bodies on it. Now it's just one.

One sad, sad, body in the bed that felt emptier to Alexander. Every time he'd lay near the side he could smell John's scent. Then the flash backs start.

Them meeting in college...
Started Dating...
Losing Virginity...
Moving In...

Moving Out....

All this happened in a three year time period. What the fight was about had erased it self from Alexander's mind. He tried to get rid of the guilt by forcing him self to believe it was John's Fault.

That's all it was....

Four Horrible Months Later
Hamilton's name was only just thrown around these days. The man never left his apartment. His office at the Law Infirm he worked at. Just had papers building up, new cases piling.

Everyone wanted Hamilton back. If you had something and needed a lawyer, Hamilton was your man. With his unexpected disappearance it just unsettled all of Brooklyn.

The only man that didn't seem to care was his secretary John Laurens. That didn't seem to give two shits about the man. Yet everyone knew his smile was fake. It pained him, everything that had to do with this was painful.

This stupid argument about Marriage....

John wanted to get married, more then anything. Yet Alex was scared and wasn't ready. He just didn't want to mess up. The poor man was head over heels for this curly haired smol bean.

That Monday...
Alexander's appearance at work that day was only a blessing from the gods. The man was a mess, barley able to walk. Dark bags under his eyes, knees wobbly, and god he smelled.

John watched in horror at his well "ex" boyfriend. They never officially broke up. John just grabbed his belongings and left. Saying, "I'll be back..." and never did. He has been living with the Schuyler sisters.

John wanted to march up to him and say, "I quit!" But he just couldn't. Literally he couldn't afford it. So he continued on with work. Alex approached John's desk and looked at him. The two men locked eyes and held it.

Before John glared and turned away. Handing Alexander his missing paperwork. "Thank You...." he mumbled and left. John Finished up work and around 8pm he heard loud crying. Thinking that everyone went home and forgot that Alexander was there.

He was well... curious...

Yet thank god the freckle boy did. Alexander sat on the window seal of his office. Legs dangling down, a small pout on his lips. John watched in horror as Alexander slowly approached the ledge. The weight on his toes getting heavier. Someone screamed from below.

John glances at his desk and saw hundreds of tiny post-it's. All having I'm sorry and please don't miss me written all over. John's head swung over to where Alexander was now looking down over.

Like I'm some kind of movie Alexander jumper. John thankfully grabbed his arm. So there they were.

Both broken men, dangling over a 30 story building. "John please let go..." Hamilton says looking up at John. Laurens now has tears threatening to fall. A lump in his throat rises. "Alexander I'm sorry..." Alex looks up at John and a soft smile approaches his lips.

"I'm sorry too...." he says, "no don't be sorry! It's my fault!" Laurens cries out and Alexander smiled. "No...I'm sorry for this..." then he twisted his wrist and John lost his grip.

Laurens voice was screaming. He was crying and yelling. People below where screaming. Alex just softly took it all in this new feeling of freedom.

Then pain...


SUPER LATE SORRY GUYS! So yes I have finally finished this chapter. One more and I will close it up with my Q&A and a small thank you! (Leave questions) Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter!

(This is where the goodbye goes)

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