JohnXAlexander Angst

620 7 7

Started Writing: November 13, 2018
Wish to Upload: November 16,2018
Actual Upload: November 25,2018

Time Era:Modern
Time Set: Spring Break
Warning: 728

☔︎3Rd Person ☔︎
John Loves Alexander, Alexander Loved Eliza. It was a relationship that could never be.

Alexander didn't like John, he didn't even think of John in that way. He was more of a brother to him. Like thinking of him as something is like dating his own blood brother.

This killed John, every time John sees Eliza and Alexander. It kills him and stabs him deeper in the chest....

It was like being stabbed with a sewing pin. Slowly...Painfully...going through your heart.

No string attached to mend...just pain.

Yet the freckled man wasn't surprised with this vile feeling. Growing up he felt this. Not because of Alexander, saying the Caribbean boy wasn't even in America.

It was because of his father, his parents hated him. Mother got sick young, so it was just John, his siblings, and his father.

The minute Laurens got into High school his father found him a girlfriend. Martha Manning, a sweet innocent girl. Who always thought she knew best.

Although it was around this time when John found out something about himself. He was Gay.

He liked men so being in a relationship with Martha was...difficult. John felt as if He was just leading her on. Each time The boy make slid his arm on her shoulder and pecked her cheek. Just tugged at his curls with a force.

Then she confessed she was in love with another. "John....I um....I know that your gay." Her voice was small and trembled. John felt his heart shatter and he quickly grabbed her hand. "What..." she cut him off and shushed him with her finger.

She pulled her hand away and looked aside. "I have evening cheating on You...." she confesses and John felt a stab in his heart. Even if he didn't like this girl getting cheated on was a horrible feeling. "Oh...." was all that escaped his mouth.

From then on John was alone until college. Where he met Hercules, Lafayette, and Alexander. Those three changes his life. Just like he did to them. Clearly not enough, college past and like most relationships they grew and moved on.

Hercules fell in love with a young British man. Leaving poor Lafayette with a broken heart. Lafayette moves to France and last John heard he was dating an amazing french woman.

Eliza and Alexander where engaged. It was just John, alone. By himself, things never seemed to get better. Just constant sadness.

HamieHam-Hey Laurens wanna go out tonight with me and The Schuyler sisters?

LaurensTurtles-Sure why tf not

HamieHam-Coolio I'll pick you up in ten

LaurensTurtles-kk see ya

Why did he try? John knew he would just get more and more hurt....

           ☔︎Johns POV☔︎
    It hurt tones, knowing that Angelica will be drinking. Peggy flirting with girls, and Alex and Eliza making out.

I knew Angie likes Alexander, she was willing to give up her love for her sister. Just like I was willing to push my feelings aside to help my love be happy even if I dislike his girlfriend.

I slide in my favorite leather jacket and ripped jeans. My hair into a high poney tail and I pop any pimple in sight. Then a loud knock on the door scared me. I yelp in surprise and hear male and female laughter.

I open the door, "assholes!" I say as Eliza, Peggy, and Alex cracks up. "Where's Angie?" I ask and Peggy frowns. "She didn't want to come out!" She whines and crosses her arms. "Yeah she's just being a sore puss!" Eliza says and I roll my eyes a frown at her.

"I'm sure she had a reason..." I mumble and follow Alex and Eliza into the car. Peggy stayed back with me, "listen Angie didn't want to go for the same reason I know you don't want to be here." Peggy whispers and I blush in embarrassment.

"Yeah..." was all I said and focused back into my phone...

So I kinda lost interest in this chapter so I'm just gonna upload it like this. Tell me how it should end in the comments and I'll add it to this if I like it!

A Cinnamon Roll

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