I need adivce....

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So their is this guy that likes me. Yeah I know it's great and all, but there is one problem. I don't think I return the feelings. We went to homecoming together and I had a great time, we didn't dance because I hate dancing but I hugged him.

Now we have his homecoming at his school coming up and he wants me to dance with him. Sure he's a sweet guy and a little clingy but he is just a friend to me. I don't know what to do i need help. I don't know if I like him or not and I feel like he is expecting me to be committed into a relationship.

Always expecting me to be sweet and he thinks that me teasing him is being a flirt. It's not, I tease everyone. It's just playful stuff I do to my friends. But one of my friends got it into his mind that it means I'm a tsundere. Meaning I will be mean and playful to people I have a crush on. Which is half true but I tease my closest friends. I don't want to date them!

High school sucks kids don't grow up!

If anyone had advice please help me!

                 A Emotional mess roll

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