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Waking up the next morning, Stevie looked around the room. She had felt very protected the entire night, with Lindsey by her side. She felt, even though it was a dream---it was real. It was the first time the dream realm felt real. She could always tell the difference easily and she never felt conflicted. She always knew how to come back and fix the issue brought up, the next day when she woke up.

Stevie let out a yawn and stretched out a little bit. "Let's see what my mind will let me do right now," she shut her eyes to see if she could intuit anything without any help of stones or cards. She normally could, but she would have to focus hard. Next thing she knew, the door was unlocking. She was having a semi panic attack. She was---for whatever reason, afraid the other doctor was coming in.

"Hey?" smiled, Lindsey. He shut the door behind him, locking it from the inside.

"Hi," she also smiled---pulling her knees to her chest. She was actually relieved to see him. She knew he probably wouldn't remember his dream from the night before. She had only known herself to recall dreams, she knew a lot of people never did. "Sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah," he kind of nodded. "Nothing out of the ordinary," he also kind of chuckled.

She nodded. "I had a dream last night, but no meaning, I don't think..." she tried to hint and linger---trying to make him recall his own dream. She knew her dream of him and their meeting in the dream had to mean something. She knew, in some way that Solan brought Lindsey to her. She didn't know how, but she knew it was him. That was her first thought, so it had to be the right thought.

Lindsey nodded again and directed his attention to his shoes. He was sitting on a chair. He was starting to recall seeing her. More than just when he was with her the night before. He felt almost bonded and he was confused. "You know what?" he paused.

"Hmm?" she hummed---putting all attention on him.

"I think, I had a dream about you last night. I'm not sure what about, but I just remember you wearing a black dress and some high shoes," he kind of stared into space, thinking about it. He really wanted to remember what it was about. "It was brief."

"Ah, interesting," she nodded---a gentle smile across her face. She wasn't going to, at all, tell him that their dream passages had been overlapped and they met each other there too. She did think it was interesting for that to happen, especially since she didn't know Lindsey that well. She had only ever experienced that once and it was with her husband. She would often have dreams, now about her son, so that is what caused her to believe him alive first, even though she never felt him dead. "I have a stupid question..." she lingered.

"I don't think anything you can say or do is stupid," he smiled. "What is it?"

"Well, when can I get out of here?" she asked. "It wasn't my own decision---I was drugged to get here, and you know I'm not crazy. The only thing making me crazy, is the thoughts and feelings of these other people," she clarified.

"I know, Stevie. I've been thinking of ways to get you out of here. But I can't do that," he shook his head. He was upset because, he couldn't. He had talked to her husband and he said things to him---actions he would take if she was removed.

"If you know I'm not insane, how come you can't let me out?" she spoke with a frown on her face.

"Because, I didn't sign the papers, taking you in," he reported honestly. He wasn't the one who honored her staying there---it was a different doctor and even that he didn't know, so he was confused. It wasn't on her file, but he just knee he didn't do it. He would have remembered her a long time ago if that was the case. Only the doctor who signed the papers to let her in, was the one who could let her out.

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