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Stevie entered the facility and headed straight for Lindsey's office. On the way she bumped into Maggie.

"Hi, Stevie!" the younger woman squealed in happiness to see Stevie.

"Hey, honey---how are you?" Stevie smiled as the nurse approached her.

"I'm okay! How about you?" she asked. "I've missed you," she hugged her.

"I've missed you, too. And I've been... eh," she released the younger girl from her embrace. "I have some different things going on," she assured---pushing her hair behind her. Maggie didn't know anything of having to do with Solan, Rick---not even the relationship between Stevie and Lindsey. Everything had been flying way over her head. It was better that way.

"Awe, well I hope they all get settled. By the way, if you are looking for Lindsey, he is in his office," she paused. "He's waiting for you," she whispered with a cheeky smile as if it was some sort of code.

Stevie chuckled, "I know that. Thank you---I'll see you in a bit."

"Bye," the younger woman then headed down the hall and back to where her destination.

Stevie knocked gently upon Lindsey's office door.

"Hey?" a handsome smile spread across his face as he seemed to have leaped from his table to the door.

He was there within seconds---she could have guessed he was standing there the whole time. "Hi," she kind of giggled.

He pulled her in quickly.

"Is Warner here?" she whispered harshly and kind of nervously.

He kissed her pretty lovingly.

"I'll take that as a no," she had to quickly catch her breath.

"I have some news," he assured her.

"Of?" she questioned.

"I fell into a visionary plane---last night."

"You're kidding," she smiled. "What did you see?" She set her purse down and hopped up on the desk and crossed one leg over the other, hugging it in place with her hands.

"I saw two pasts and I had a very vital conversation..." he lingered. "I saw the day my uncle was talking about getting Warner brought in. His work here started out as community service and then he got hired in. My uncle kept him locked so he couldn't get fired. It was like a thick contract."

"Wow..." Stevie was a little wide-eyed.

"So back in those days was when he murdered his wife. Get this... she was pregnant. He didn't know that and when he found out he turned himself in."

"That's interesting..." she lingered.

"Okay, so point being, my uncle did know that he was dangerous. But he wasn't a quitter and he had hoped he could change him."

Stevie didn't really know what to say. All she could think was what Lindsey had said, you can't save everyone. It was clear that Lindsey's uncle tried to save Warner.

"Next thing; I saw... I saw you."

"Me?" she questioned with a creased brow. "What did you see?"

"You in college. I don't really understand why, still but I saw two events. You had always been fascinated by the eyes in your dreams. I saw you talking with a girl Robin and she said she wanted to come with you. But you told her no."

Stevie kind of hung her head by Robin being in thought. "She was my best friend. She passed away the year after coming out to LA. I stayed with my Gypsy friends for two years and when I was twenty-four I was able to understand the blue eyes were a person and there to help me and guide me. Robin moved out there and the next year she died. I met Rick after sometime and then we got married---I was twenty-five. Then we had Solan three years later," she concluded.

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