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The next few months would roll around and Stevie and Lindsey were making their way to California. Stevie had this urge to move out there before the baby was born. She wanted her baby born in California, where she was born, in San Jose. She just felt that was the move to make---to feel at home and recreate a life. She didn't want any of the past mixing up with her child's life. Her child didn't deserve any of the questioning that could take place of their mother's past and, or abilities. Stevie was well aware that her child was going to be strong and have abilities of their own, but answering questions was not something that seemed fair.

Stevie was in her seventh month of pregnancy but by her fifth month, she stopped visiting Rick, not wanting him knowing of her pregnancy. But that was the other reason for her wanting to move---she wanted all ties with him cut. Their divorce had been finalized and she was free of him for the first time in sixteen years. All of her things from the house were out and everything was covered; furniture wise, for him, for when he got home. And that was her last act as a wife to him. But after that, she was done providing for him. She had to pretend he didn't exist for her to not want to see him, she did still love him, but it was a love she had to forget about. She wanted to move forward happily with Lindsey. She loved Lindsey more than anything and she didn't want to do anything on accident that could make Lindsey hate her. Even though he had said that would be impossible.

In all of this, Lindsey supported Stevie the most. Her parents weren't so gung-ho about her moving. They told her that they planned on moving back the next year or so. They had only moved Colorado, to be with her and see their grandson when he was born. Stevie assured that they would be fine where they were and she would see them a lot. She made that a promise because, she knew she would be visiting Solan at his grave. Lindsey wasn't going to sell his house there, so it would all work out well. They had a few plans to go along with their moving to California. Stevie just wanted to be out there before the baby was born and Lindsey made it happen.

"This is the last of the stuff, babe?" Lindsey asked putting one of her boxes in the car.

"I think so," she smiled. She was already sitting in the car, waiting for him. He had told her to sit and be patient for him to do things. He knew her back was hurting her and so were her hips and he didn't want her straining herself especially since their baby was very healthy. He didn't want to chance his child. She had told him she would help and she did, but it wasn't long before she had to stop.

He put her box in the trunk and made his way to the driver's seat.

They would be driving to California. Stevie enjoyed driving through the states and they had planned to stay the night in a hotel. Planes gave her the heebie-jeebies and they had way too many things to take a plane anyway.

"I appreciate you doing all this," she mentioned in the silence of their drive. They had music playing but it was low.

"It's not a problem," he mentioned. "I think this will be nice and like you said, the baby will grow up without having to know our past in Colorado."

She nodded. She was glad he was so understanding about it. "Not only that, but all the moving. I have to call and thank your brothers as well. When I get back home, we can meet my brother and his wife. They live in Arizona, but they said they would come out to see us."

"That'll be nice," he assured.

She smiled a little. As the time passed, she fell asleep in the car.

"Honey, get up," Lindsey gently shook her.

"Hm?" she opened an eye and kind of turned her head.

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