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Stevie was getting up the next morning---alone, which didn't surprise her, but also to the sound of the phone ringing. She huffed and moaned as she pried herself from the bed. She didn't want to get up unless it was on her own terms, but it wasn't unfortunately.

When she got downstairs, she was able to pick the phone up on time to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, Stephanie, how are you?" Lindsey's voice lingered through her ears.

"Hi. I'm good, doctor. How are you?" A prominent smile on her features. She knew that he was probably calling to talk to Rick and, or leave a message, but she didn't think about it. But she knew she was supposed to talk to him as a patient would. She could tell, once he used her first full name.

"I'm fine---thank you. I was wondering if it would be possible to get your appointment in tonight. The treatment and all that jazz. I can... see you're speaking now, but I feel like going through as planned would still help."

"Okay," she assured enthusiastically. "I appreciate it---I'll let my husband know."

"Alright, I have too many patients to work with during the day and they have schedules to follow through with. But if we can have you at seven or eight, that would do perfectly. That way we can treat you at night and in the morning we'll see the response to it."

"Sounds good. I should be there closer to eight, I think I have plans for dinner."

"Alright, I will see you then---" he added.

"Bye," she hung up the phone. "Why a call so early in the morning, crazy boy?" she giggled to herself. She then picked up the phone once again and dialed her husband.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey," her voice lingered softly.

"What's up, baby?" he responded---leaning back in his chair.

"The doctor called me right now. Could kill him---it's so early. Anyway, he told me I should still get that treatment. I'll go around eight, is that fine? That way, we can have dinner or something."

Rick paused for a long while, not knowing really what to say. "Sounds great, babe."

"I'll see you later---I may go for a walk later. I need to get out of the house," she added.

"Alright---stay out of trouble," he chuckled.

"Of course," she kind of smiled. She set the phone down. Rolling her eyes, she tightened her robe and made her way back up the stairs. "Stay out of trouble, good fucking God, help me," she mumbled to herself.

After Rick had gotten off the phone with his wife, he stayed wondering about the phone call. He didn't know if Stevie going was such a good idea---she was already talking. Not to mention, he didn't know if he could trust Lindsey.

He was also slightly questioning the walk. Where exactly would she go if everything was kind of far. They lived on a small hill, so anywhere she went, would be a mild sweat.

Meanwhile---at home, Stevie would get some things off her chest on the notepad. She had a long day ahead of herself and that was because she would be sitting around all day. Normally she could be doing something to to keep herself busy; spells, astronomy, new recipes to cook, calling her parents. But she couldn't do any of those things. Not now at least.

Throwing on some leggings, a comfortable blouse, a pair of comfy boots and a jacket---Stevie gathered her things to go for a walk. She took some money and her keys, just to get her by for the next couple hours. She was going to talk to Tracy for a little bit and explain what was going on, not to mention apologize for not showing up. She had just gotten the job a couple weeks ago and all of a sudden, she had to not go. She was bummed because that metaphysical shop was her favorite. She was also afraid that Tracy would be mad at her.

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