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In the late afternoon, Stevie was ready. She had taken the day to pamper herself, with Lindsey's allowance. He had told her to take the day and relax properly. She spent most of the time in the bathroom; bathing, painting her nails with the deep red polish her husband had stuck in the bag, she made herself over with her makeup---which just made her so happy to even see herself in the mirror. But then she was a little terrified---she hated how a mess she looked and she feared she looked that bad in front of Lindsey. She prayed Lindsey didn't see what she saw. Besides that, she had a great time spending all day getting ready. It normally took her a while on a daily basis, but not having done so for a couple weeks made her take more time. Lindsey really had hoped she would just take time and do what she wanted, so he didn't mind much.

"It feels so good to be in my own clothes," she walked down the steps of Lindsey's staircase, meeting him in the foyer. She was wearing a long, black skirt---high, leather boots and black, knitted sweater. Her hair cascaded straightly down her back---all brushed and neatly pushed to one side. Her makeup was all done, in her own natural way with a dark crease.

Lindsey entered the foyer, from the kitchen and stopped---stunned at her. He had already thought she was a beautiful woman, with or without makeup and dressed up or down, but all done up she was an absolute goddess in his eyes. He cleared his throat from the easy spacing. "Coffee?" he asked---not able to form anything else.

"Sounds good, thanks," she smiled. She stepped down the last step and followed him.

"So uh... I was wondering if you wanted to grab some dinner, later. I don't really have much here, and I thought you'd like to have a nice meal," he stated as he poured a cup of coffee into a mug.

"I'd love to, but shouldn't I stay here? I mean, what if somebody sees me out?" she looked at him as she seated herself at the table.

"Well, you aren't in the mental facility anymore. You are just under my care---my supervision, so where I go, you can go," he placed the cup in front of her before sitting across from her.

She kind of curled her lips.

"Y'know, as long as you promise not to wack anyone with a vase," he chuckled. "Otherwise, you're all good."

She swatted at him playfully and laughed right with him. "I think I can manage---" she added.

"Good," he smiled---taking a sip of the hot beverage. "No one should see you, anyway---I'm gonna take you some place nice."

"We don't have to be high maintenance. I don't want to be of trouble---where do you usually eat?"

"Normally... a lot of fast food. Like, a lot! or nothing. I am always swamped with work, so I never get a chance to even be hungry," he kind of shrugged.

"Mm..." she nodded. She was honestly thinking, he sounded like Rick in that moment of time. But she was also thinking, that's how she was too. She never ate throughout the day because, she was always doing something to keep herself busy, so it never occured to her.

"Anyway, I'll take you somewhere nice," he assured---drinking his coffee. "Also, I just wanted to talk about your dreams. Maybe we can gather some more information."

"What I had told you, is all that I have. I don't know anything more, until we go to sleep again. But I was wondering if you'd let me do a small test on you...?" she lingered.

"What kind?" he creased a brow.

"Well, you know how you only remember a portion of the dreams?"

He nodded.

"I wanna do a small spell---nothing too strenuous, but a spell so you are able to remember the dreams. It'll be easier for you to see everything---so what I miss, maybe you could have caught it. Understand?"

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