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"So you're gonna try and stay here?" Lindsey asked, confused.

"Well, it won't take much. I guarantee he'd keep me here regardless of that," Stevie replied.

"Yeah, but keeping you here means strict living conditions," he mentioned.

"Oh," she kind of paused, never having that in thought.

"I want you to do your best to get out. I am gonna try to be here when that takes place or have another doctor be here. I feel like, he'll play by the rules that way and he will grade you fair."

"Okay... but like I said, I can't go home. I don't have anywhere to go," she clarified. "I am divorcing him and I will not stay with my parents. I moved out when I was eighteen for a reason---plus they fortified Rick's idea, to send me here."

Lindsey kind of rubbed at his forehead---trying to think of a way to help her. "I'm gonna... I'll be back," he stood up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked, bothered by his leaving in the midst of their conversation.

"I'll be back," he assured. He went to be outside for a moment and then went to his office. He had a plan and he figured it would be suitable for Stevie's situation.

Coming back from his office, he went to go find a nurse. "Maggie?" he said as he entered the lobby.

"Yes, sir?" she smiled lightly.

"I need you to copy this and shred the original for me, please," he handed her the paper in his hand.

"Right away, sir," she grasped it between her fingers and made her way to the back room.

Lindsey waited in slight anticipation. He was hoping his plan would work fine.

"Here you go, doctor," Maggie handed him the new paper. She never questioned anything he did because, he worked too fast for her brain to process---not to mention it always had to do with him helping somebody.

"Thanks---appreciate it," he winked at her and then went straight to his office. There, he would refill out Stevie's paper work. He took it as his own---signing his name at the bottom. The whole thing was done in blue ink and he copied everything from the previous document. However, copying it---he had put white-out over Warner's name. He shredded that one and he would have the other shredded, once he was finished copying everything properly.

When he was done, he made his way to Stevie's room. Knocking a little fast and heavy, he waited for her response.

"Come in!" she ordered.

"Hey?" he smiled brightly as he entered.

"Look, dude, are you gonna tell me why you cut out in the middle of our conversation? because, that was in the middle--"

He handed her the paper---cutting her off.

"What is this?" she skimmed through the pages.

"You are under my conditions. I signed you in as my patient and I shredded the other copies, having to do with Warner."

Her eyes widened a little. "Can't you get in trouble for that?" she whispered.

"Nope---not at all," he said pretty cocky in her opinion.

She leered.

"If they do suspect anything, I have an old patient name in the trash," he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Anyway, when Warner comes to test you---I'll be here and I will comfront the bastard. Okay?" 

"Okay... but Lindsey, I don't want you getting in trouble for me," she stated.

"I'll be fine, I promise---you are my concern and as my patient, I will do what's best for you. Besides that, under my conditions---he can't touch you, nor vow for you. This way, you can stay as long as you like and when you want to go, I can sign you out. Sound good?"

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