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"I can um, I can pack her a bag with her things---" Rick assured.

"Sounds great, thank you," Lindsey responded---shoving his free hand in his pocket.

When Rick came downstairs to give Lindsey her suitcase, full of things---he had packed some other things such as; her glasses, hair supplies and products, her makeup and bathroom things she used regularly. "I packed some other things she probably forgot to mention," he said.

"Thank you, I am sure she will be grateful of that," Lindsey took the large suitcase.

As Rick stepped down from the last step, he was handed a paper. "What's this?"

"She asked me to give you this," he gestured to the divorce signing.

"We're not divorcing," he laughed---taking the papers.

"Well, that's what she wanted---she was hoping she could get you to sign. She already signed hers, last night."

"What?" he paused in much confusion. He didn't know how that would have been possible. He knew that he was at the hospital at night.

"This has just been what she said so far," Lindsey assured. "She was really tired last night---after everything."

"May I ask what happened?" Rick asked.

"Well, she was shocked last night---" he lingered. "It wasn't at all planned, but what happened..." he paused to let the man process. "Anyway, I have other things to do---I should go. I appreciate your time, this morning," he headed for the door, allowing himself out.

"No problem---thank you for the update," Rick shut the front door. He was totally confused by what was happening. How did Lindsey know, she got shocked? why was she in solitary? and how was Warner going to be able to shock her again---if she wasn't there? he was pretty sure that the second shock would help her forget everything. But it seemed like she was able to tell Lindsey everything before they got that far.

He made his way over to the telephone by his stairs and right at that moment it had began ringing.

"Hello?" he answered.

"I think we have a problem," stated, Warner.

"Don't I know it... Lindsey was here and he just picked up Stevie's things," he replied.

"What? all I heard thus far, she is in solitary confinement. I wasn't told he was getting her things."

"Yeah, according to him---she is under his care and in another household."

"Well, that is the least of our worries."

"What do you mean?" Rick creased a brow.

"All of last night was caught and film. Lindsey saw her smash the vase over your head and he had only two things to say to that. He said he declined you visitation and then he said that he seen it all and didn't want his patients at risk so he stuck her elsewhere. I was going to have her shocked again this morning, but she isn't here."

"This household... do you know where it is?"

"No," Warner shook his head. "I have no clue. He has never done this---he's never had to."

"They have both really picked up on a lot. Something tells me, even with all the things she says, he believes her. Do you think she would be in his home?"

"No---that would be against the law. He wouldn't go that far."

"Or would he?" Rick lingered. "And I was also left some divorce papers."

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