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The next morning would arrive and Stevie and Lindsey would sign the discharge papers. They were so excited to bring baby Eve home. Every time they looked at her, they saw the past disintegrate, not to mention a future full of happiness. They found so much to love for and it seemed as if their struggle was over.

Going home, they would be meeting the family. Everybody was awaiting the couple to come home with the baby. Stevie's parents wanted to help them get a little more settled and then they would leave---they were just awaiting the baby's birth to begin with since Stevie had, had so many false alarms. In the last week, it had been a little cramped in the house, but Alex was staying with a friend for the meantime. He didn't really know Stevie's family and he didn't want to intrude. Stevie of course told him otherwise and he believed it, he just wanted to give everybody their space. And the space was needed for the moment.

"Are we ready, babe?" Lindsey asked Stevie. He had been getting all of her things together---the things he brought with him when he got the call she was in labor. The things, Babarba had brought for the baby and the balloons Jessica wanted to bring to her auntie and cousin. As he gathered all of those things, Stevie was getting the baby bundled up to meet the chilly winds outside. She was getting herself together too, but all she did was change into one of her nighties, slip her comfy boots on and her long, thick coat. She had a thin scarf on as well. The fall time allowed her to dress cozy and she was a little scared her baby would catch a cold. That was the last thing she wanted.

"We are," she smiled and stood carefully. She placed the baby in the carrier and buckled her up. Lindsey was going to carry her down to the car and Stevie would sit in the back seat with her.

Getting home, the couple was met in the driveway by all of the family who was waiting at the house.

Lindsey stepped down from the driver's side to help Stevie and the baby out.

The family held small separate conversations with one another as they all ventured into the house. They were all talking about different things and Barbara's words of wisdom were flying out of her mouth left and right, telling Stevie how to mother her baby. Stevie was getting annoyed because she had done it before, but she was just tired and she couldn't handle the amount her mother was talking. She also knew her mom was excited and so was she, so Lindsey was taking over a little.

Lindsey and Stevie actually wanted to go to sleep for a few hours. They were so exhausted from the hours of being awake and Stevie giving birth. She was tired above all. She had not yet slept, being so enticed by her baby. So many things fell into place so far, even when it came to the emotions for Stevie. She felt like herself again. She felt humane again and like she belonged---she could feel herself. She was definitely not the same woman she was when she had Solan, but she was definitely stronger and really ready to move forward with her life.

When bringing baby Eve upstairs, Lindsey was so gentle to carry the baby in her carrier. He didn't want to jolt her too hard, nor bang her into anything. That was his worst fear as a father already since she was so tiny.

Stevie was traveling behind him slowly, pushing herself to get upstairs. Her body was so sore and it was just taking her a minute to do some things.

By the time she made it to the nursery, Lindsey was unbuckling Eve and preparing to put her in the basinet---it was white and little stuffed animals were dangling over.

"Let's bring it to the room," Stevie mentioned. Her hands fell onto his shoulders and she embraced him from behind, taking in his subtle cologne and his body. He was perfect to her and she loved cuddling him and having him near.

"Sure," he said softly.

Stevie picked up her sleeping baby, while Lindsey wheeled the basinet into the room. They didn't want to move her too violently, over the rugs and wood.

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