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Coming home right after, Stevie got back into her clothes from before and put everything she was wearing back as it was before. She wanted no sign that she had left the house. After doing so, she slipped back into bed with her pen and notepad. She had discussed her plans with Lindsey and how she was going to do tonight. She had realized that she needed to do a spell and that was the easier part. She didn't need supplies this time---it was all about the intention. She just needed a strong incantation---therefore she could to her son and brimg herself somewhere all the while her body was asleep in bed with her husband. It was like the dream realm, where her soul would go wherever, except this time she would be in the regular world of time. She had put herself through several realms in her life, and she did astral projection once. She just needed it to last longer so she could do what she needed to.

Writing her incantation, slowly and full of thought---she paused, trying to lift herself in a sense. Trying to let her thoughts flow and pick up some more words that were given to say, so it was more accurate. She needed to be as accurate as possible with where she was so far.

Once she was done with that, she read it over in her head to make sure it made sense. At night time she would have to read aloud and quietly so that she wouldn't disturb her husband and she knew it had to be after he was asleep. That was the only tricky part. She didn't need him finding out she was doing her own things still. That would be a big problem.

Lindsey was in his office, running over possibilities in his head of how things could go wrong. At the same time he was thinking over how he could be of help to Stevie. He tapped his foot in slight anticipation. "Okay," he mumbled aloud. He picked up his phone and dialed Stevie's home phone. He was just going to leave a message, since Stevie wasn't to answer. But she would be warned of what was happening. "Please, don't answer," he muttered to himself again as the phone rang.

Once the voicemail told him to leave a message after the tone, he was praising Stevie for not answering.

"Hi, this is doctor Lindsey Buckingham. I am calling to let you know that, your wife Stephanie O'Connell must have a couple blood tests tonight. It's short notice and I apologize for that. If you could give me a call back as soon as possible, that would be great---" he wrapped up in a timely matter. He hung up the phone and kind of prayed for the best. He figured if Stevie had to come in, then he could actually take her home or keep her in the room she was in prior and she could then perform the spell she needed to.

Stevie was listening to the message and she was waiting to play it for her husband. "Lindsey Buckingham, a saint you are, my dear..." she smiled to herself, kind of shaking her head.

He just always knew what to do and how to help her. He was so smart and handsome and everything she wanted. He was a skillful man of many talents. She was totally enticed by that factor of him.

Rick went back to his office, feeling better since having the last injection. He wouldn't exactly call it better because, he was a little light headed and not feeling great, but he was more in his own sense. He was stumbling lightly---able to catch hinself from toppling and made it to his office.

"Sir, are you alright?" his assistant asked.

"Yes," he mentally shook himself. "I'm good. I need uh, I need you to cancel the rest of my appointments today. I need to see that my wife is okay. Any calls should be transferred to my home office," he assured.

"Okay," the woman responded uneasily. She had always been a little taken by him, especially nowadays. He was so different and she had always felt there was something wrong with him. She never brought it up because, it wasn't her place, but she held a concern for Stevie.

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