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After a couple hours, Stevie came out of the bathroom---her hair was done and so was her makeup. She still had sad eyes and her expression was visibly upsetting. When she stepped out, her husband was sitting at the foot of the bed. She was very quiet when stepping around. She was only wearing socks and her floors didn't creak.

Rick picked his head up when he noticed her scent flying around. He could tell by the subtle wind she was creating that, she was moving quickly.

"Stephanie, I'm sorry---" he stood to meet her. He neared her and she was holding clothes in her hand. As he got closer---invading her space, he noticed the face expression. Her eyes were teary, but roaming everywhere except for him---who was in front of her and her lips were glued shut. He could tell her teeth were gritted and he could tell she was pissed. He knew that expression well. Her blonde hair fell in soft curls, framing her porcelain face, her eye makeup was dark and it accentuated her brown orbs. Her full lips had a pretty nude-mauve kind of color on them, and her cheeks had a perfect blush. He was in love with everything about her---he even missed that temper. Even though she was silent, he knew she was cursing him inside.

Her eyes finally met his and she looked at him carefully---she could feel his slyness, though she was still caught up in a weird feeling from him. She wanted it to go away---it unnerved her to no end. She shook her head at him and walked back into the bathroom to change out of the leggings and black, long-sleeved tunic, she was wearing.

He let out a light huff when she disappeared. What the fuck! he thought. Why is she like this? This is my own fault. I shouldn't have had her taken in the first place. I have to call her parents..
maybe they can bring some light back into her eyes. She is different. What have I done? He took his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Lindsey's number. He didn't have the heart to drive after what he had done---he felt so bad and he didn't want her upset on the way there. Maybe it was best, Lindsey picked her up. He still didn't really trust the man, but he knew she trusted the doctor more than him. And as much as that hurt him, it was the truth and he would have to deal with it for the time being.

"Hello?" answered Lindsey.

"Yes, doctor---this is Rick, Stephanie's husband..." he stood to walk lightly about the room.

"How can I help?" Lindsey kind of creased his brows at the second call.

"Would you mind picking her up? She is a little distant from me right now and I don't want to add to it," he stated.

"Oh... yes, I can do that. What happened?" Lindsey asked---throwing his overcoat on.

"Um, she is just really upset and I am not feeling great. I don't want to take chances while she is in the car---" he responded honestly. He had come home because, he was light headed and he wanted to rest. Stevie being mad at him, made his head hurt a bit more. He hated that.

"I understand---I am on my way," the doctor assured.

"Thanks," Rick responded, then hung up the phone.

Stevie had heard the whole conversation from the other side of the door. He did seem sick... she lingered. She pulled her blouse on and straightened her clothes out. She was wearing her dark brown, bootcut, leather pants and a loose flowing blouse. She threw some boots on and and made sure her rings were in order on her hands.

She stepped out of the bathroom after a moment and looked at her husband laying in bed. He was asleep and she could tell he had a fever, by looking at him. His skin was clammy and he was all pale. She walked back into the bathroom and went through the cabinet to find him some kind of medicine.

When she walked back out, she threw a bottle at him.

"Shit," he jolted. He picked up the bottle, "Ibuprofen?" he looked at her.

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