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As the next day rolled by, the night before---Lindsey would pack to go out to Colorado to see some patients. On his way back he would also bring his nephew. Alex didn't want to live with his parents any longer so his uncle was the next guy to see. Stevie didn't mind and she thought it would be interesting to have him around---he was young and a really good kid in her opinion. She also knew his arrangements there were only temporary. He was looking for a small apartment to move into. Lindsey was just going to provide it for him if he had to and Alex would then be able to pay for the necessary things he needed to live. A twenty-two year old kid had certain things to take care of.

When Lindsey was to go to the airport, Stevie went along as well. She would just drive herself back home and it was a simpler way of doing things. She was all about easy the last couple months. Because things were so hard for her, she wanted things to be easy for Lindsey too. It just made her less stressed that way; he wouldn't have to call a cab, nor leave his car at the airpirt. No, it would be nice and safe at home.

"Please, please, don't have the baby till I get back." He was pulling over along the curb and put the car in park to then lean forward and kiss Stevie. She was in the passenger side, waiting to switch seats with him. He held a smile as he laughed with her because he was stressing out. Even after she told him not to.

"I promise, I won't," she giggled. She was already sure she was having the baby on Halloween so she didn't want to stress it. She knew Lindsey was, but for him it was normal---he didn't feel exactly what she felt.

They both climbed down from the car and shared one more kiss and hug before Lindsey had to leave.

Stevie was a little protective at the moment because that was the love of her life and this would be the first time she would be the longest without him, even if it was just one whole day. He was her everything and it was hard to see him go.

"Okay---I love you. Take care and don't stress, baby," he got his brief case and over coat. He knew it was going to be freezing when he landed.

"Alright and you don't take any wooden nickels, kind sir," she fumbled with his coat buttons.

He laughed and kissed the side of her head. She always had some silly remark of wisdom. "I'll call you when I get there," he winked at her.

The two were then off to their separate destinations. Stevie would go home and finish sleeping for the morning. They dropped Lindsey at the airport early so he could open the clinic and be there for each patient. That way, he could leave around closing time and be home in a timely matter. He was still iffy on leaving Stevie by herself, but she did her best to assure him and keep him calm. She was certain the baby was coming Halloween.

As soon as she got home she went back to bed to finish her morning of sleep. She would have slept more, but she wanted to see Lindsey off for the day.

When she woke up, she got ready and made her way over to the mansion. She wanted to see the girls and keep her mind off of not seeing Lindsey. She knew he was going to call when he landed. Which, she did almost start panicking because, it had been long over the flight time. She didn't feel anything wrong but she was nervous.

By the time she was getting downstairs to snack and eat breakfast, the phone started ringing. She practically jumped off the last step to answer. She was in a bathrobe and her hair was dry and straight---since she had messed with it right after washing it.

"Hello?" she answered eagerly.

"Hey, babe," Lindsey's voice lingered in the phone.

"Hi, are you okay? Are you safe?" she asked.

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