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"You know?" Lindsey collapsed into the chair by her bed.

Stevie nodded, disappointment written all over her porcelain face.

"When did you figure it out?" he asked, concerned. He pulled his chair closer, so he could console her if he needed to.

She sniffled, eyes averting down. She was propped up by her arms behind her. "You know that place in your dream? the streets near our houses, it was a dim and dark even though it was day time?" she explained in detail to help him out.

He nodded. "That's exactly like my dream... how did you know?"

"You're gonna really ask that?" her eyes peeked up to see him, staring at her.

His face softened to let her continue.

"Anyway, I've been there. The night I had that pain and I passed out...?" she lingered.


"I was led to that place. They summoned me---my guides and elders, I guess. I haven't seen them for a while now. Besides that, I had visited that realm, I pulled you through it and I was there. The last time I was there by myself. But when we were at the park and I could see Rick and I on the ground on the blanket. We were kissing, but he wasn't allowing me to look over him. I was trying to see where my son was and he kept blocking me and saying, he was fine. Only when he got up, Solan was gone. He went and looked for him and I remember staying by the car. I know, he did it, now. I just didn't realize that till a couple nights ago. That's another reason I want a divorce."

"Stevie, I'm so sorry..." he shook his head---lingering around her words. He didn't know what else to say, it wasn't like being sorry could help her.

"It's fine. I just need to fix this now, but I can't until we're divorced. Once we're divorced, I can let myself out of here. I know it'll be a while because, he won't sign the papers easily. His worst fear is losing me."

"That's why--"

"He got rid of our son," she nodded, finishing the sentence. She shut her eyes and let the tears escape her. "He wanted my attention in the worst way and I wanted my son. I do believe he loved me, but if he did---he wouldn't have done that to me. Because, that was as good as ripping my heart out."

"We're gonna do our best... I don't know how we are, but we will," Lindsey assured.

She let her eyes flutter up to see him. She let off a light leering expression, but a soft smile formed because, she knew he would help her. All the sincerity was in his eyes. The sincerity she could never see in her husband, even if she tried. She could feel the sincerity, her husband would give, but Lindsey's she could see and feel. It was a wild emotion for her, but she loved it nonetheless. "I appreciate it, Lindsey," she said in her normal soft, but husky tone.

"No problem," he got up and made his way to the door. "I'm sorry for waking you, you can sleep now," he kind of chuckled.

"I appreciate it," she smiled.

"You appreciate me waking you?" he turned to look at her.

"No," she laughed. "I mean, for helping me."

"Like I said, not a problem," he winked at her and then left.

Stevie pursed her lips a minute, taking in the morning. She laid back down in bed and shut her eyes. She wanted to scope around the subject of her husband doing something that terrible. What am I thinking? she thought. He put me in a damned nuthouse... I really wish this was a nightmare. Or I really wish I had never met him at all. I know everything happens for a reason, but what kind of life lesson is this? I mean, I fell in love---he saved me more than once, we had a child---one that I loved so dearly and then he was taken from me. Now I am here because, my husband put me here. Cool, she rolled her eyes thinking about it. I do have go say, Lindsey is so incredible. He knows how to say things without hurting people's feelings. He's really the first, interesting male, I have ever met. He has some wild dreams and I almost can't keep up. But how cute was his newsflash? she giggled lightly in her sleeping-awake thoughts. He just felt so happy, knowing he figured parts of this out. I honestly didn't think I would have any kind of case to prove him alive, but I think Lindsey might be the one to back me up. I couldn't be happier. But one little thing... the eyes in my dreams have gone away in the last week. I can't see the eyes anymore---even though they were Lindsey's eyes. She gasped out loud, a light bulb flashing in her mind. She opened her eyes and pondered. I've had this feeling, Lindsey was the blue eyes. That was just common sense, but... I am able to see his whole self now...? she lingered a moment. Wait, but he knew himself as Doctor Lindsey Buckingham... maybe, he was in another realm as the eyes. When he would nap and sleep, that is when he would summon me and perhaps, he-- she stopped. She realized she was getting a little too ahead of herself. She knew she couldn't exactly know unless she got personal with him. Well, whatever the case---he is the best addition to my life and he might help me get my son back. That'll be really far out. But I really need to rest. It has been a really long five days and this was an early wake-up call, she rolled over omto her side to lay comfortably.

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