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Lindsey got home a tad later that night after being with patients and the people that were involved in the new case about Warner and Solan. It was a bigger thing now that he was dead. News casters had it all over---his information was being exposed after the investigators got a hold of his documents and files. They were pretty surprised to see that he had so much hidden for so many years.


Getting home, he went straight to the bedroom to see that Stevie was still asleep. He felt so bad---she was curled nearly into a ball and she was covered with the comforter. He could tell one of her hands was semi hugging her stomach and the other laid across lazily.

Stevie opened her eyes only seconds later---she could feel his presence and that he was looking at her. "What's the matter?" she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Nothing," he assured---coming forward, toward the bed.

"Are you sure?" she pulled her knees to her chest.

He sat down on the foot of the bed, more toward the middle so he could be closer. "How are you feeling?" he then asked.

She shrugged gently. "It's starting to hit me a bit more..." she admitted. "But I know he is okay and he is probably doing better things now. I just don't want to fathom it and at least now, I can talk to him direct. No realms to keep his messages from getting to me."

"I'm glad you can look at it that way," he mentioned.

"I am just mourning for my loss. It'll be good once I see him in a dream or something---I may not be able to touch him, but at least talk to him."

He nodded in return. "I don't mean to get off topic---but the detective says you still have to go in for questioning."

Stevie kind of rolled her eyes. "I talked to him and I told him a lot of stuff. I dunno what I need to be questioned on," she paused. "I found out though---we can get some eye-witnesses and they can tell what they had seen. But there was nobody there---this case is out the window. It was just the four of us; Rick, Solan, Warner and I. After that is when you came back with the cops."

"I know..." he kind of averted eye contact. He wasn't totally sure how it would all work.

"I just want this to be over with---I also have to get the funeral going. I was going to call earlier, but I couldn't do that," she shook her head. "I don't have the energy in a sense."

"I get it---I can feel it," he assured. "You're sad and tired."

"I want everything over with---" she let herself fall back into the pillows.

"Just rest," Lindsey rubbed her leg. "I'll be in, in a second---" he added.

"Okay," she slid further into the bed and covered herself.


The next couple days would roll by and Stevie and Lindsey would have everything for the funeral in order. Stevie did her best to make Rick attend, but he was being processed---so he couldn't do anything to be there. She was a little bummed at that, but she just let it fly---she knew there was nothing she could do. It was a hit or miss. Stevie had also managed to get her interview with detective in and this Sunday, the funeral would take place. It was a burial and Stevie wasn't totally happy about going. She knew people would go on about how sorry they were, tell her; he was in a better place, let her know they were there for her and above all---the shock that he was alive for all those years. She was dreading it.

Stevie sat in the kitchen, a mug in her hand; filled with a natural tea, that was good for pregnancy. The phone sat on the table as well and she stared at it, thinking of the call she had to make.

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