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"I am trying to be a good person," Christopher said to Lindsey as they made their way out to the car. "I was trying to put that lifestyle behind me, for my daughter."

Lindsey just listened and he bit the inside of his mouth to not laugh. Stevie's brother had an interesting, yet entertaining attitude.

"Do I have punk, written all over me or something?" his arms flew out in question.

"Nah, you're a good person," Lindsey let a small laugh escape him. "When you want something the world will favor by you, but you have to hit obstacles on the way, sometimes."

"Well, a divorce will be in my future if more of these obstacles come my way."


"You know, the boys have been gone for a while... Ya think they're alright?" Lori asked. She was on her third glass of wine by that point and they had seen a few movies while talking.

"Oh, they're probably fine," Stevie assured. "I don't think Lindsey would let him get into any trouble." She kind of laughed right after. She was already aware something happened but she would never tell Lori that---her sister in-law held a slight distrust toward her brother.

Lori kind of stiffed a laugh. "Yeah, but what if Chris got him in trouble?" she joked. She had known him to be a little rambunctious and she would hate for him to make Lindsey into the dumb ass he was.

"No, they're probably having a good time. But so are we---no stress until they get back," she chuckled. She didn't exactly mean Lindsey caused her stress because, he didn't. He gave her an incredible life thus far and she loved him. That was her soulmate. But to Lori, she couldn't explain their deep love. It was impractical for people. Stevie knew her mother would understand but nobody else.

Only an hour later did the boys emerged through the front door.

"Hey, you boys are back pretty late," Stevie smiled when Lindsey crouched over to kiss her. She was doing her best to stay calm. She was so intrigued by what they had gotten into. She knew police were involved and by the amount of time it was taking them to get back, she knew they must have gone to jail. But it was beyond her mind of what could have actually happened. She didn't want to inuit or she would start reading outloud and, or mindlessly.

"Yeah," he nearly huffed into her lips. He was pretty tired at that point and now he felt he really needed a drink. He had only had a couple drinks at the bar and then when he came back he had to go. He didn't get drunk or buzzed so it was a plus. He was able to think quick and help Christopher out.

"Yeah, what did you get into?" Lori rose a brow at Christopher. If looks could kill, he would have been dead with the way Lori was staring at him.

"Nothing," Lindsey chuckled in response. He was a tad nervous because, Stevie was so calm. She was almost too calm to him because, of all that was going on. "We were shooting pool and eventually some guys came over to play so we played a lot of rounds," he sat down on the couch next to Stevie, letting an arm lay across the back of it.

"Yeah, it was dope," Christopher assured pretty bluntly. "Jess in bed?" he asked because it was late. He was also trying to change the subject because the night---he was trying to forget. He and Lindsey decided that they wouldn't say anything. Lindsey never promised he wouldn't tell Stevie and that was only because he had a small feeling she knew. However as far as he was concerned he would bullshit if she didn't have details.

"Yes and you smell like alcohol," Lori complained. She crossed her arms and kept staring at Christopher. He looked tired and grungy, like he had been sweating. Which he probably was due to fighting and sweating off booze.

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