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Lindsey paused, knowing he was giving the impression he was interested. But in reality, he didn't know what approach to take. "I'm sure you do," he cleared his throat before he seated himself at his desk.

"What do you mean?" Warner asked, feeling a tad cornered by what seemed to be an accusation already.

"I mean, a man like you would have something to do with something so vile," he leaned back in his chair and looked at the standing doctor. He stayed waiting for any kind of response from the older man.

"I don't understand why you hate everything I do. I mean, you get mad at me for showing up--"

"Out of turn," Lindsey corrected.

"Get mad at me for treating patients--"

"Overdosing them," he corrected again.

"Why would you suspect me to know something?" he asked. "How do you know if I had something to do with it?"

"Because, I know you too well. I was a kid when you so willingly shocked me," he rose from his desk, just so he could be at level with him. "I wouldn't doubt you doing anything like that. It is in your nature to be cruel to other living beings. So, I don't care what you have to say or where the boy is. I will find him on my own---with or without Stevie, for Stevie. I will frame anybody who tries to get in my way because, it is obvious there is a reason for all the misguided actions in this facility. So don't try and act innocent. There has never been one innocent bone in your body."

Warner really didn't care what the younger man had to say about him, but he did want to use the child as some kind of way to Stevie. Even this, was unbeknownst to Rick and that is because, the two men constantly did things to each other. They had been "friends" since after Warner's lawsuit, but they still didn't really trust each other. Rick was aware that he was working with a murderer criminal, so he knew he was getting into the twisted one's mind.

"I have some business to take care of. Something other than you to take care of, so I would appreciate it if you left and let me do that," Lindsey added, sitting up in his seat and picking up a pen.

"Fine," the older man bluntly said. Leaving the room, "I have business to take care of elsewhere," he turned to leave---making his exit notable.

"Oh my God," Lindsey mumbled to himself. "There is so much to do." Thinking about the already hectic day---his only idea, was still all about bringing Stevie to California. He wanted her out of state, so she was out of sight, but she was so convinced she needed to find her son first. Lindsey understood her despair---he felt it, but he thought her safety would be more of a concern before getting further.

Warner entered his office and sat down at his desk---his mind on Stevie and Rick as well. He was doing his own thinking---trying to figure out more to add to the situation he was in. Surely, Lindsey would have wanted to know where the boy is, for Stevie's sake, he thought. I don't get that insolent man. He has never known how to take care of things on this facility, like I have. He tries to save the people from my hand, but what is he saving them from other than prosperity? I mean, aren't they happy with the euphoria of me hurting them? these people are here because, they have tried to kill themselves, I'm only helping them. I need to see Rick---he may have a possible idea on what to do with Stevie. Where shall I hide his boy---I can't keep him here any longer. He is becoming close to being found. Nobody understands he is safe---his own father decided this, I am sure parents know best. Standing tall, he was make sure Solan was still safe.

Pulling to an area he went to often, an underground cave type thing---he made his way easily. Sliding open the door and creating a big enough space for his entrance, he quietly entered. He looked to the sleeping boy; his skin pale as his mother's is, hair like a honey blonde and passed his shoulders. He had bags under his eyes from being so heavily medicated. It wasn't every day that the boy was sedated because, Rick wanted him stable. He wanted him to be able to function, but he had enough to look the part of non-remembrance.

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