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Stevie started going through the stuff her husband had bought so she could make something to eat. She wanted to go straight into how she normally would cook and so she did. Remembering how to do things, but not remembering how she learned was the big part of being shocked. She wasn't too worried about it either.

Rick had come down the stairs and he could see her opening things up.

Just in front of him, she opened up every cabinet and looked for pans, even though she knew where they were. But it would make her look like she was learning the place.

"What are you doing?" Rick asked her---pausing where he stood.

She looked up at him and gestured to the pan.

"You remember how to cook?" he creased a brow.

She then gestured her hand---signifying a little bit. She then went to the paper and pen to write to him. 'I member some things not all but common sence,' she stated on the paper. 'I don't member how I learned stuff.'

"Oh, interesting," he crossed his arms---causing her to look up. "Well, go ahead---I'll be in the living room."

She nodded with a smile. Right when he disappeared, she rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing. She knew she was making him dinner and just enough for herself to taste and nibble on. But she wasn't feeling that great---the house was just making her nervous and she didn't want to be there, but at the moment, she had no choice.

She came out into the living room, handing Rick a plate.

"What's this?" he was confused---he thought she had made food for herself.

She picked up the pen and paper once again. 'Husband should get food from wife yes?' she was mentally kicking herself for that one. She honestly wanted to stab him, so she was pushing.

"Well, it doesn't have to be that way---" he responded. "You still have to learn your life and all the stuff you did."

She nodded her head. She then pointed that she was going to go upstairs for the night.

He nodded. Leaning forward---he kissed her on the cheek. "I love you," he whispered.

She nodded in return. Standing tall, she went for staircase and walked slowly up the steps. What the hell is my life becoming? she thought.

Lindsey was just getting home and all that was on his mind was Stevie. He was happy she was able to guide him after almost getting caught with Warner. Being that he was home, he would have a chance to go through Stevie's documents, Solan's, and Rick's. He wanted to see what kind battle they were up against. He just wanted to get Stevie out of where she was immediately. Her safety was the only thing to concern him at all.

As he read through the pages of Rick's document---he was able to see that Rick was being treated for schizophrenia. Lindsey wasn't even going to put it past Rick, to have a mental issue. But at the same time, it seemed he wasn't that insane. It was almost like he had split personality---one moment he was in love with his wife, the next; he was trying to murder somebody. He knew that Wanrer wasn't the best doctor, so it was possible he was giving him the wrong kind of treatment. He could have been dealing with some other issue and he was recieving the wrong help. Lindsey paused in thought, not knowing how to approach, but he was hoping Stevie was okay since her husband was a psychopath.

Going to the next document, he read about Solan. He was reading what kind of sedatives were being given, and he was able to see it wasn't a strong one. The kid was young so Lindsey knew they were probably upping his dose every so often. But at the same time, too much sedative can kill a person, so he was hoping for the best to come out of the young boy.

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