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Lindsey had gotten back to the facility and he had this sudden urge to make his way to Warner's office. He knew that he saw the evidence in his hand, in the dream Stevie and himself were in, the night she got shocked. He knew there was something wrong and he got to her after she was shocked, but he was never able to get any paperwork since Warner and Rick were in the lair.

"Stevie, please help me," he mumbled his thoughts aloud. He got up from his desk and made his way down the hall. There was a moment he paused, trying to think of what day it was. He needed to make sure Warner wouldn't be there, but at the same time, that didn't really matter because, the old guy would showed up out of turn all the time. He then decided to just go forth with his intentions and went for it. He could easily play it off and pretend he was asking for something and just let him know Stevie was with her spouse.

Knocking on the door, he shoved his hands in his pockets, right after. There was no sound, so he pushed it open. He was quite surprised that it wasn't locked. A man with Warner's criminal credibility should really have the door locked, Lindsey had thought. As he slipped into the dark room---it was the strong potent odor, Stevie had smelled in the dream. It was just chemicals and death, not to mention the smell of latex from rubber gloves.

He made his way over to the desk, where he knew he had found the papers in the dream. Just like the vision, he pulled Rick's file, Solan's, and then Stevie's. Lindsey looked over Rick's because, he wanted to see what business other than the case was linked to him. He sat down in the chair and flipped through. As he read on, he noticed their were some medication near his name. It seemed as though Rick was getting some kind of injection from him, but he was kind of unsure of what it was. Moving quickly along, he read that the drug was to treat schizophrenia and provide balance to the mind. "What the hell?" he muttered to himself as he continued. He wouldn't put it passed Rick to have some mental issue because of all he had done, but Warner was just as ill minded.

"What are you doing in my office?" Warner's voice lingered loudly.

Lindsey looked up, abruptly. He froze since he didn't know how to respond thus far.


It had been hours, since Stevie had gone to sleep, so Rick decided he should run to the store and get some food for her. He didn't know when she would wake up and he wanted to at least be there when she woke up.

Stevie opened her eyes in the mid afternoon and got up slowly. She wasn't sure where Rick had gone, but the house was quiet. She couldn't hear his thoughts, nor his aura. He was totally gone from the house. When she got up to see out the window, she was assured since the car was gone.

She slipped out of bed and looked around, not knowing where to start first. She had many things she wanted to check out, but then she got hit with a thought. "Lindsey's working on it..." she felt as she moved about the room. She then got on her knees to look under the high bed. She was looking for any suitcases or briefcases that might be holding some form of information regarding her son and herself.

"Mother..." the sound of Solan's voice filled her thoughts.

She gasped a tiny bit---it was heart wrenching to hear her son and not be able to help him. "Where are you?" she started to tear---not knowing what exactly to do at the moment.

"Mother, protect Lindsey," his voice was faint but notable. Clear enough for his mother to understand and that was all that was important at the moment.

"How?" she yelled---standing tall. She had no idea how to even go about that with the position she was in. She was stuck with her demonic husband and retrained more than she would have liked. She didn't even know where her husband was. "How do I help him?" she said calmly. She never meant to yell, but she had become frustrated from hearing her son at all. It had been a long while, but she knew he was young and weak with all the medication he had been consuming. She was actually very concerned of his health, she wasn't sure what he was being medicated on.

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