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Pulling to the cemetery, Lindsey helped Stevie out of the car and she was one of the last ones to arrive. She only did that so she wouldn't have to converse with others. She knew it was probably not the wisest thing she had ever done, but she really had no interest in the people and their condolences. It was just not something she wanted to deal with, even if it was out of their politeness. There was only a service and that was it---no reception or anything. Again, for Stevie's sake.

When it was over Stevie started to become antsy and she wanted to leave.

"I gotta go," Stevie mumbled to Lindsey once the service was over.

"Alright," he nodded. He stood up and helped her with her coat once again.

As they headed out, Stevie said bye to her parents but that was about it. She couldn't bring herself to talk to any more people. She had also given her parents the house number, Lindsey's---so they could tell her if she missed anything important. She didn't mind being told of what was happening, but seeing it was different and she was trying to be unseen.

"You know what...?" Stevie lingered more to herself.

"What's that?" Lindsey asked quietly. He didn't know if he was to intrude on the quiet statement.

"Oh," she shook herself. "I need to stop at the house and probably get some more of my things..." she mentioned.

"Do you want to do that?" he asked.

"Yeah..." she assured, thinking about it. "I'd rather do it now."

"Okay," Lindsey agreed. He was just trying to appease her and keep her in a better mood. She had been down and, or angry and he was happy to keep her at a neutral level.

As they drove, silence had washed over, but it was soon interrupted.

"Hey, the house is it paid for or do you rent?" Lindsey asked Stevie.

"It's paid off... Rick bought it and it's a gorgeous house---hard for me to go in it though. So much has happened; good and bad."

"Are you gonna sell?" he questioned---she seemed upset, like she had to get rid of it.

"I want to, but I shouldn't. Rick only has fifteen years in there, y'know? I don't wanna get rid of it because, then he won't have anywhere to live after."

"Yeah, it'll probably be hard for him to get a job after this is over."

"Yeah... Anyway, I just want my stuff out; which is mostly clothes and magick related things."

"Okay," he nodded again. "I thought you said Rick had gotten rid of everything...?"

"When I was living with Rick and he was gone at work---I searched the whole house and he still kept all of my things. Y'know, my spooky things... he just had it all hidden in the attic."

"Creepy," Lindsey nearly cringed.

"What?" she kind of laughed---watching him get wigged out.

"All your stuff is powerful in itself so to think it was in a dark creepy attic on the highest part of the house..."

"I get what you mean," she held a smile. "I tried keeping up with my attic---I don't want it to be all creepy. I don't like spiders and I want none nesting."

"I don't blame you---your house is older as it is, so they come in through the little nooks and crannies."

"His house," she corrected. "By the way, Lindsey?"

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