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Stevie and Lindsey came creeping into their daughter's room while she was sleeping. It was her birthday---one of Stevie's favorite family holidays. Halloween and her daughter's birthday... What could be better?

"Angel," Lindsey said as he squatted before the bed.

"Evey, wake up, baby---" Stevie said softly as she sat on the edge of the bed, placing a hand to her shoulder. She rubbed it gently to try and get her attention.

"Guys---" Eve looked over at the clock. "It is five in the morning, what is wrong with you?" she started to sit up. She was practically whimpering. Her dark brown hair was in messy waves---her eye was shut, adjusting to the light they had turned on and she had the comforter over one shoulder. "I don't get up till six." That was really her main concern---she missed an hour.

"We want to tell you happy birthday, little girl," Lindsey let out a chuckle as he patted her knee. Eve was just like her mom in so many ways, it stunned him. But then he felt totally lucky to have two, one of a kind girls before him. They were his heart---his existence. He couldn't ask for two better humans.

"We have many things to do, love bug," Stevie stroked her daughter's hair. "I wanted you to have enough time to get ready for your day. We have to go Talia's---early this morning. You have gifts waiting for you."

"Gifts..." she paused. "Oh yeah! I'm fifteen today," she smiled. Her birthday didn't really matter to her---it was the number that made her happy.

"Happy birthday, baby," Stevie chuckled as she kissed the side of her head.

"Don't remind me that you're fifteen," Lindsey conplained. He stood from his squatting position. "I liked when you were seven. That was fun for me."

Stevie winked at her daughter. "Let's give her some room, please---" she wiggled her fingers for Lindsey to take her hand.

He did so and the couple then made their way downstairs.

Stevie had breakfast ready and she was in the middle of getting herself together. Lindsey would go to the facility while the girls went to the Gypsy house. Out of all the women there, the only ones who had stayed in the mansion was Talia, Amber and Pandora. They took care of the home and they had, had quiet for the last few years. They had to wait for the next generation to come through.

"We have her dinner at five-thirty, Linds---" Stevie reminded him before he took off.

"Of course and I shall be there," he kissed her lips before going.

Some time went by and Eve was finally making her way down the stairs. She had a black dress, Pandora had taken her to pick out for the day. She had some flat combat boots on and her hair stayed in the waves they were in---only tamed. She had mascara on her long eyelashes and a pale blush on her cheeks. Her lips were a matte pink as well.

"You look so beautiful, baby" Stevie put her arms out. As Eve was everything to Lindsey, she was Stevie's breath. Being her mother was the greatest gift in all the world. It really made for all the sucky parts in her life fade away.

"We should get going in a few---I don't want you to be late for school," Stevie picked her cup of coffee up and started sipping it.

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