Chapter 7 - Talented

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I was sitting in the common room, reading The Hunger Games. Scott and Peter were pingponging (obviously Peter was winning) and Jean, Kurt and Ororo were playing Uno.

"Seriously, how can you play Uno without yelling at each other?"

You asked, your eyes still on your book

"I don't know. Maybe we aren't as agressive as you are"



Scott yelled while he did a little victory dance.

"You're still 35 points behind"

"Don't ruin this for me Peter"

"Sorry sunglasses"

You looked at Kurt, who was struggling to prevent Ororo from winning. It looked absolutely hilarious. Kurt doesn't do cursing or yelling so he just had to sit there, trying VERY hard not to slam his cards on the table and walk away.

Your eyes wandered of to a piano

Your eyes wandered of to a piano

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"How long has that been there?"


Jean said

"That piano over there."

"Oh that. It came in this morning, why?"

"Just surprised I didn't know"

I walked over to the piano as I noticed little details.

At the end of the legs there were small golden dots and at the wing there was a golden plate which said:
La musica può curare le cose che le medicine non faranno mai.

You knew some Italian and knew it meant:
Music can cure things medicines never will.

I sat down. I noticed a very small golden plate which said Y/L/N

I wanted to play so bad but I couldn't. I knew how to play and even I had to admit, I was kinda good, but there were people here. I'm very shy about my music. I'm afraid I will fail and that everyone would laugh at me

"You like it?"

I jumped


"Sorry, do you like it?"

"It's beautiful. Why is it here?"

"I heard you playing in the music room when classes were over. It was beautiful. Consider this an early birthday gift."

"My birthday is in six months...."

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