Chapter 73 - Noot Scamander

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You were sitting in the common room with Diana. Peter has been on a mission for five days now, and you knew you shouldn't be worried, by yet you were. You couldn't help thinking about him getting hurt or killed. In the days that Peter was gone, you noticed that Diana started behaving differently. She didn't want to eat, didn't want to sleep and it got way harder to make her laugh. She missed him and you knew it.

You tried to convince to get him back, but he kept saying everything would be alright. You knew he was probably right, since he has Cerebro, but you started feeling lonely. You, Kurt, Hank and Ororo were the only ones of your friend group that weren't on that mission. You tried to get along, since you couldn't stand your friends getting hurt without being able to help them, but Charles said you had to look out for Diana.

So that was what you were doing, looking out for Diana. She was finally sleeping and you were reading Fantastic Beasts. You felt proud that you could make Diana fall asleep. She hadn't closed her eyes in 30 hours and she's only 3. Han was laying on the floor, fighting against his sleep. Han couldn't talk to you but you felt like he missed Peter too. Then all the sudden you heard the large door of the mansion open.

Han shot up and ran out of the common room, towards the big hall. It was quiet and first but then you heard happy barks and Jean's voice. You quickly woke up Diana and told that Peter was home again. You grabbed her hand and you both walked to the door.

When you arrived you saw Jean, Scott, Raven and Erik.

"W-where is Peter"

You asked, your voice broke a little

It was quiet for a while and you felt like you were about to cry. Then all of the sudden the door opened again

"Why is it so quiet here?"

You heard and 'oh-so-familiar' voice say. You immediately let go of Diana's hand and ran towards the door.

You spotted Peter and jumped in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and let out quiet sobs

"What's wrong Twinkie?"

He said, rubbing your back

"E-everyone was h-here, but I couldn't s-See you so I thought t-that you were...."

You couldn't finish your sentence because of the sobs.

Peter held you tighter, if that was even possible, and kissed the top of your head.

"Don't worry Twinkie, I'm here, I'm here"

You stood like that for maybe two minutes until you finally broke away. You looked Peter in the eyes and smiled at him softly.

"No more crying okay, I'm back and I'm fine"

You laughed

"I won't"

"Good, now come here"

He leaned closer and so did you, until your lips finally touched


You broke the kiss and laughed a little. You jumped out of his arms and rip-toed to kiss his lips one more time. Then you felt something tugging on your jeans

"Mommy stop"

You looked down and saw Diana with an angry look on her face

You laughed

"I want a hug now"

Diana said as she stretched her arms towards Peter

Peter picked her up and spun her around

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