Chapter 56 - Supermarket

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"I'm freezing to death, I can't even feel my toes"

You said to yourself as you walked towards the supermarket

"Don't bring a coat Y/N, it'll be sunny today"

You recite Ororo's beautiful words

"Suck my dick Ororo"

You mumbled as you kept walking. You looked at your hands who were already turning blue.

"If I'm getting a hypothermia Ororo better be there so I can kill her when I wake up. Go to the supermarket they said, it'll be fun they said. Well hell fucking no"

You sighed and walked a little faster, hoping to arrive soon. Then man walked towards you. You walked faster but he stopped you

"Where are you going girl?"

He said

"To the supermarket"

You said coldly (pun intended)

"How about a date"

I just met this dude what the fuck

"No sorry I'm gay"

You said quickly, knowing he won't leave you alone if you said you had a boyfriend

"Stupid gays"

He mumbled

You turned around in anger

"What did you say?"

"Those gays think they can take over the world. People shouldn't be in love with the same gender. It's disgusting and God didn't make us like that"

You punched him in the nose and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine

"Never talk about gays like that again or I swear to god, I will find you and I will kill you with my gay-army. Oh and by the way, god made us love who we wanna love but who the hell made you?!"

You kicked him again and walked away

Who the fuck does he think he is

You finally arrived to the supermarket and walked in. Then you remembered something.....the list. How are you supposed to do the groceries if you don't know what to buy. You took out your phone and texted Hank

You: Hank, I forgot the grocery list. What do I have to buy?

You waited patiently until you finally got a text back

Dipshit💙👓: Again?
You: Fuck off Hank, just give me the list🙄
Dipshit💙👓: Fine, Wait a second

You tapped your feet to the ground

Dipshit💙👓: 1 bag of corn, 3 Cola bottles (2 Liters), 4 bags of normal M&M's, Brownie mix, 2 rolls of chocolate chip cookies, 2 bags of Dorito Roulette, 3 cans of Paprika Pringles and 7 hazelnut chocolate bars
You: Thank you❤️
Dipshit💙👓: Wait, Peter just said he wants some Twinkies
You: Okay!

You were about to put your phone away when Hank texted you again

Dipshit💙👓: Nevermind, he meant you. He wants you

You laughed

You: 😂😂
You: Tell him I'll be home in 30 minutes
Dipshit💙👓: Will do
Dipshit💙👓: He wants you Now. Dipshit💙👓: He's on his way
You: What? NO
You: Tell him to stay home
You: He needs to babysit Han
Dipshit💙👓: Told him
Dipshit💙👓: He shoved Han in my hands, I'm the babysitter now
Dipshit💙👓: I'm trying!
Dipshit💙👓: Aaaand he left
You: That sneaky little son of a bitch

You shoved your phone away and sighed.

You grabbed a cart and walked into the store. Then all the sudden you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist

"Hi Twinkie"

"Peter, I told you to babysit Han"

"I know but I got bored"

"Han is a little ray of sunshine. How can he be boring?"

"He kept biting me"

You laughed

"He Just loves you. He is showing affection to you"

"You love me too, but you don't bite me!!"

You kissed his cheek and rolled the cart forward

"So I was thinking-"

Peter started

"You do 'thinking' now?"

You laughed

"Yes Twinkie, I do, but that's not my point"

"Than what is"

"We have been engaged for two months but we never discussed how we would like our wedding to be. So I was wondering, what kind of wedding do you want?"

You thought for a while, sometimes grabbing some groceries from the aisles

"I don't know, what would you like?"

"I was thinking about a place that you've never been before. A place you always wanted to visit"

You thought really deep. You haven't been to a lot of countries (if you do just pretend you didn't)

Then it popped up

"Amsterdam" (that awkward moment when you actually live in Holland and you go to Amsterdam every month)


"Yes, I would love to go there"

"Amsterdam it is"

You jumped up from excitement and hugged Peter

"Are we really going to Amsterdam?"

"Anything for you Twinkie"

"Thank youuuu"

You said as you kissed his cheek.

"The groceries are escaping"

He said, pointing towards the cart, which was rolling away


You let go of Peter and quickly grabbed the cart.

"Let's get The groceries home"

You said as you walked towards the cash desk

"Don't forget the cola"

Peter said

"Don't forget the cola"

You repeated, walking back

Short I know

Part 57 coming soon <3

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