Chapter 71 - Singing

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Another time skip Yes, two year time skip

By the way, I know this doesn't fit because of the series and shit, but just pretend that Lorna isn't a mutant. I know it's hard because she actually is but just accept it


I was at home, talking with Lorna about school. Y/N wanted to come too, but Charles said he needed her help for something, so I had to go alone. Lorna was growing really fast now, she was already twelve, which meant she was going to high school soon.

I still remember how she used to dress up and told me to 'bow down for my queen' (honestly, me)

But instead of dressing up, she was listening to music all day. I don't really mind, but I just miss the old times. I can't wait for Diana to grow up so I can call someone a Queen again, besides Y/N of course

Lorna told me how excited she was to go to high school and how she's gonna miss her friends

"I'm sure you'll make new friends very quick. I mean, everyone will like you. You're nice, smart, pretty and a princess"

She giggled

"Stop calling me a princess, I'm twelve"

"But you are a princess Lorna"

"Not a real one"

"For me you are"

She smiled

"That smile, give it to the boys and girls, they'll fall in love with you immediately"

She laughed

"But how do I talk to people?"

"Just walk towards them and introduce yourself"

"You're not going to walk to someone and say 'Hey I'm Lorna, nice to meet you'"

"Of course not, I'll be like 'Hey I'm Peter, nice to meet you'"

"I'll just find someone who looks nice and try to talk to them, maybe they can introduce me to others"

"You talked to Y/N didn't you?"

"This advice is from Hank"

I raised an eyebrow

"Than what did Y/N say?"

"To lay down in the mud and let the earth slowly reclaim you so you wouldn't have to interact and socialize with people"

"That sounds like Y/N"

We burst out laughing

"I miss you a lot Peter"

She said when we stopped laughing

"You're always at the mansion, and I get it, you have a wife there and even a baby now, but I just miss having you around everyday"

"But we visit every week"

"Yes, but I just miss it, that when I wake up, you're downstairs. Either playing Pac-Man or still sleeping"

I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her

"I miss waking up in my old room too, but Y/N, Diana and Han need me."

"And Scott"

I let go of Lorna and laughed

"Yes, Scott really has to take care of himself. He can't even bake an egg. He is 27 and married for Christ sake!!"

Lorna laughed

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