Chapter 19 - Peter?

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I was sitting next to Y/N again. I drew her pictures every day. I couldn't really draw, but Y/N told me it was perfect. When Jean and I were cleaning her room the other day, we found a song book. Appearently she wrote songs, but never told us. I couldn't see why. They were perfect and beautiful. I decided to take it with me and read it, while I was waiting for her to wake up.

As I was looking at Y/N, it felt like I fell in love with her all again. I noticed her small details.

I told her that, the little freckles that she hated, were beautiful (if you don't have freckles, just pretend you have). I loved the way she had small dimples when she laughed. And when she smiled, it always looked like she had little stars in her eyes. She always hated her voice on a tape, but I thought it was beautiful. I loved how soft her hand was and how it perfectly fitted in mine. And everytime when I would hug her or pepper her with kisses, she would let out a cute giggle.

When I stopped talking I noticed that she was squeezing my hand. SHE WAS SQUEEZING MY HAND!!!


She let out a small groan. Her eyes slowly opened and I saw those oh so familiar E/C orbs


She softly said

"Yes it's me"

I said, while tears of joy spilled my cheeks

"W-what happened to you?"

Then I remembered that I looked awful right now

"Y-you look so-so skinny. Have you eaten anything?"

I looked down

"You didn't? Peter look at me"

She said with a weak voice. I looked in her eyes and tried not to get lost in them.

"Have you slept?"

I shook my head no

"Speedy, you look so pale...."

I smiled, but felt a little guilty

"Baby, I'm so sorry"

"Sorry for what?"

"I should've been there earlier. I should've been there for you. I should've noticed you were taking to long. I s-"

"Peter it's okay"

She cut me off.

"It's not your fault"

"Yes it is"

"Peter, it really isn't. Stop saying that"

"But it's the truth"

"Peter look at me"

I looked in her eyes again

"It's.not.your.fault. Now get some rest"

"I'm not leaving you again"

"You don't have to"

She patted on the empty spot on the bed next to her

"Y/N, I can't"

"Yes you can"

"But you burned your leg, what if I accidentaly touch it? I will hurt you"

"Just come here"

I hesitantly pulled myself under the covers next to her. When I layed comfortable, she immediatly snuggled herself into my chest. She burried her head in the crook of my neck and I let out a happy sigh. I missed this.

I wrapped my arms around her protectively and kissed her forhead

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too Speedy"

Within one minute my eye lids became heavy and I fell asleep

—Time skip brought to you by Peter's favorite sweater—

When I woke up I saw Y/N still asleep. She was completely burried in my chest. Her hair draped across the pillow. With one arm, I held her close to me, with the other I played with her hair. Although she's been asleep for nearly four days, her hair was still soft.


She softly mumbled

"Yeah I'm here"

I whispered

She snuggled a little closer (if that was even possible) a sighed in your chest

"I love you"

You heard her mumbling

A huge smile appeared on my face. I bowed my head down and kissed her hair.

"I love you too twinkie"

It was quiet for a minute


"Yes baby?"

"Go eat something"

"But I'm so comfortable"

She snuggled out of your chest and climbed a little bit up so she was now facing you

"Eat something"


"No buts, eat something. You look like you're the one who was about to die"

I sighed and sped to the kitchen, made some pancakes and sped back to Y/N. Oh wait. I quickly ran back and knocked at Jean's door

She opened, she still looked the same; pale, skinny and big bags under her eyes

"Peter, did you sleep? And are those...pancakes?"

"Yes I have amazing news! Y/N woke up!!"

Jeans eyes widened and her mouth dropped

"Y/N woke up? SHE WOKE UP?!"

I nodded and she ran towards the infirmary

I sped to Y/N and putted down pancakes on the table.

"We're gonna have breakfest with the three of us."

"Three of us?"

"Yeah J-"


Jean ran in the room and hugged Y/N


"I guess I am"

She said softly

"So pancakes?"

I asked

Jean and Y/N nodded

I grabbed an extra chair and sat it down beside Y/N's bed. Then I grabbed a table on wheels and sat it in the middle. Jean took a seat on one of the chairs as I putted down the pancakes.


"Yes twinkie?"

"C-could you help me sit up?"

She asked quietly

"I couldn't hear you"

I said as I walked closer to her

"Can you help me sit up?"


I putted my arm behind her back and held on to her arm. With the other hand I took hers and helped her sit up. When she finally sat up, I walked back to my chair.

"Okay now let's eat, I'm starving"

Jean said

Chapter 20 coming soon <3

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