Chapter 55 - Han no!

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This chapter is just gonna be a very fluffy chapter :)


I woke up to the talking of Y/N. I looked at her and noticed her nervously turning around in her sleep

"no please....."

I heard her mumble

"'t take Peter....."

She mumbled something but I couldn't make out what

I noticed tears streaming down her face

"....not my baby....."

I wrapped her in my arms and held my chin on the top of her head while softly rubbing her back

"Ssssh, Twinkie. It's alright I'm here"

She stopped talking and moved a little


She said with a broken voice.

She broke out of my grip and looked at me. I could see her red puffy eyes and her hair was very messy

"Thank god you're okay"

She said as she snuggled herself in your chest.

"I don't wanna lose you"

"You won't Twinkie. I promise"

After a few minutes the crying stopped and was replaced with soft snoring

"Sweet dreams Twinkie"

I said as I kissed her hair. Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep again

—Time skip brought to you by *drumroll* QUEEN (bcs I love them)—

I woke up to the sound of Han yapping

I jumped out of bed and ran towards Han to cover his mouth

"Sssshhh, mommy is sleeping"

He bit my hand and I took my hand back

"Ouch, did you just bite me?"

He yapped again, wagging his tail happily

"Ssh ssh ssh, we don't wanna wake up mommy."

I picked him up and tickled his belly. He started to yap again


I laid back in bed and set Han down between me and Y/N

"You should go to sleep Han, it's seven AM...."

He was about to yap again but I quickly covered his mouth. He bit again

"You're quite the fearless little man aren't you?"

He jumped on Y/N like he was challenging me to catch him

"Han I can't, Y/N is still asleep. She had a rough night"

He tilted his head to the right

"She has a wouldn't understand, I'm talking to a dog"

He jumped on Y/N

I quickly lifted him up

"No waking up a sleeping mommy. She'll get very grumpy I'll tell you that"

He jumped out of your arms and ran around the room

"Oh it's on little man"

I kept chasing him for a while until he jumped on Y/N. I jumped towards Han and caught him.

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