Chapter 29 - Imagines 4

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YES AGAIN!! This fucking headache is going to be the end of me but I don't care. Enjoy

Warning: Long-ass chapter

Imagine 1 (this is a text):

Fast boi😍😏❤️: I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi
You: But your grammar is terrible
Fast boi😍😏❤️: Yeah, Nazi's are terrible
You: Well uh, I guess you're right?
Fast boi😍😏❤️: your*

Imagine 2:

Peter: *taking pictures of you*
Peter: The camera loves you Y/N
You: Thank you
Scott: What about me?
Peter: The camera likes you as a friend

Imagine 3 (inspired by Brooklyn Nine-Nine):

Hank: Happy turkey day!
You: YES!! Right out of the gate!
Hank: What? What's going on?
Kurt: We're playing McCoy Bingo, Thanksgiving edition.
Jean: Everyone filled out their cards with possible Hank-related scenarios.
Ororo: First to bingo gets 50 dollars
You: I had "Hank calls it Turkey day instead of Thanksgiving" on the center square.
Peter: "Hank explains that they ate lobsters at the first Thanksgiving"
Hank: They did. Back in that time, they called lobsters "ocean bugs"
Hank: And I'll just mark that off for you
Scott: I think I got the winning card here. "Hank tells us that he played Pocahontas in his third grade"
Hank: All the girls were too long
Raven: This is a fun one. "Hank says Gobble, gobble, gobble"
Hank: Well, now that I know you want me to say that, I'll only say it two times.
Hank: Gobble, gobble
Hank: ....
Hank: Gobble, god it just sounds right that way. I don't like this game.
Jean: HA!! "Hank objects to McCoy Bingo"
Hank: Come on guys
Ororo: "Hank says Come on guys". Two points for Ororo
Hank: Well guess what. I can spoil your little game just by sitting here and not saying a word all day
Hank: *falls down while trying to sit down*
You: Does anyone have "Hank falls on the floor"?
You: No one?
Hank: That's a victory! That's a victory for McCoy! Boom!
Everyone: "HANKS SAYS BOOM"!!

Imagine 4:

Peter: There's a message in my soup.
Peter: It says "ooooooo"
You: .....
You: Peter, those are Cheerios

Imagine 5:

You: I wanna sleep and never wake up for a few years
Peter: Y/N that's a coma
You: I like the sound of that

Imagine 6:

Peter: Cats just sleep all day and they're so cute!
You: Yet when I do it I'm "clinically depressed" and "should seek help"

Imagine 7:

You: Could you get us a table
Peter: Yeah sure

[some time later]

Peter: *running out of a restaurant with a table*
Peter: Y/N start the car!!

Imagine 8:

Peter: There are only three ways to do something. The right way, the wrong way or the Peter way
You: Isn't that just the wrong way?
Peter: Yes, but it's faster

Imagine 9:

Peter: I don't know what the hell is going on
Charles: Easy Peter, no need for that kind of language
You: Yes Peter, what the fuck?

Imagine 10:

Waiter: What would you like to order
You: Can I get a milkshake with two straws?
Jean: Awww, that's so-

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