Chapter 23 - MY GIRLFRIEND

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It has been five weeks since you got caught in the fire. You were healing quickly and was allowed to walk within three days. Peter and Jean had been looking after you the entire time and they helped you with everything. Sometimes you'd just pretend to not be able to do something just so you could stay in bed. Jean later found out but didn't care. Honestly, she would do the same if she was in your situation.

You woke up and noticed Peter laying beside you. You could never get tired of this sight. The sun shined perfectly on his face. His eyes were relaxed while his chest slowly pumped up and down. You scooted closer to him and burried your face in his chest. You felt him wrapping his arms around you protectively.

"Morning twinkie"

He said with a sleepy voice

"Goodmorning Speedy"

He gave you a kiss in your hair and stroked your back softly. You sighed happily. Everything was perfect. Until Scott decided to enter the room


He ran towards you and started jumping on the bed.


You groaned and turned around, but Peter wouldn't let you go.


He whispered in your ear

You rolled your eyes and gave Scott a death glare

"Scott, you're lucky I'm not allowed to walk yet. You would be dead otherwise"

"I know, that's why I'm doing this now"

He grinned mischieviously

"I hate you"

"No you don't. You love me"

"No she doesn't! She loves me!"

"Peter, Scott, I love the both of you"

"B-But you said I was your only one"

"Peter, I love you as my boyfriend, Scott is like my brother"

"Does that mean I'm also Hank's brother?"

You smiled

"Yes, yes Scott, you're also Hank's brother"


He jumped of the bed and ran towards the hall



You heard Hank yell outside

You laughed and turned your face to Peter again. You saw a sad look on Peter's face

"What's wrong Speedy?"

"You love me"

"Yes I do"

"And no one else"

You giggled and kissed his nose

"I love you, but I also love Scott. And I love Jean and Ororo and Kurt. I also love Hank and Charles"

"But you can only love me"

"Are you jealous"





"Okay yes I'm jealous. Happy?"

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