Chapter 41 - Waking up

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Hank has been busy for two hours. He was focusing really hard and I started to get worried. I know Hank could do it, but will Y/N be able to hold out this long. She was half conscious when I came there, wouldn't this only hurt her more?

"Almost done"

I heard Hank mumble

He was busy with removing the last bullet

I knew he had to focus really hard so I just kept looking at Y/N's face. I tried to convince myself that she wasn't in pain, but I knew she was.


Hank said while he did a little victory dance

He wrapped a last piece of bandage around the shot wound and smiled proudly.

"She hasn't broken anything surprisingly. Just some bruises, cuts and shot wounds. She won't be able to walk though. She needs her rest or she'll start bleeding to death."

I just nodded

"I have to fix up Ororo now, she's been injured but not badly. I'll be back soon. When she wakes keep this cloth against her forehead, it'll help her huge headache"

He said while pointing at a cloth that was lying in some water now

"She has to lay down for ten minutes. After that you have to help her sit up and drink some water. She also has to take this medicine"

He said, pointing to a small pill next to a glass of water

"I'll take care of her Hank, don't worry"

He nodded and gave me a hug. I was surprised but hugged back immediately

"Thank you for being there Peter"

"You're welcome"

He broke the hug and turned around

"Good luck"

"Thank you Hank"

—One hour time skip yup yup—


Your eyes fluttered open and you saw a bright light

You started to panic, thinking you were back with Stryker.

Then a hand grabbed yours. A hand you knew way to well; Peters hand

You relaxed and sighed

"Shh, I'm here Twinkie, I'm here"

You tried to sit up but Peter pushed you back.

"Hank told me you had to stay down for a solid ten minutes"

You narrowed your eyes to stop the light, which was shining to bright

You could finally see Peters perfect face. His beautiful brown eyes, his silver hair, his cute nose and those adorable freckles you could only see when he was very close to you

You smiled at him and he smiled back, showing his cute little dimples

God, you loved everything about this guy.

He sat down next to you while holding your hand, fiddling with your fingers.

Then all the sudden he stopped

"I forgot"

He started

"Forgot what Peter?"


He yelled a little too hard

He noticed you trying to cover his ears and he immediately apologized

"Sorry, anyways, Hank told me to take care of you, so that's what I'm gonna do"

He grabbed a cloth out of a bowl and help it to your forehead

"It helps your headache"

"Thank you Peter"

"You're welcome Twinkie. Honestly I couldn't stand being away from you. I was a mess and I'm not even lying. I just love you so much and each time you're away from me I feel so empty. I can't be without you, I'm not myself without you. Y/N you've become a part of me, a part I can't live without. I'm so lucky that I found you, I truly am and being there, in that cell without you, I was devastated. And you deserve to know that"

"I love you"

Was all you could say

"I love you more Twinkie"

He said while he kissed your cheek.


Peter and you were sitting in your room, watching Y/F/D/M (your favorite Disney movie)

You sang along to all the songs while Peter just held you in his arms

You were tired of people visiting you in the emergency room, asking what happened and if you're okay. So you asked Peter to bring you to your room. And so he did.

"Twinkie you should go to sleep"

You looked up at Peter


"Because it's been a long day and Hank told me that you should get some rest"

"You don't tell me what to do"

You said with a mocking tone

He laughed

"Yes I do Twinkie, and you know it"

You waited for a while

"Fine, but not because you say so"

"No no, sure"

You had to admit; you were pretty tired.

"Goodnight Peter"

"Goodnight Twinkie"

You closed your eyes and within one minute you fell asleep. Still in Peters arms

Part 42 coming soon <3

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