Chapter 59 - Wedding

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I immediately jump to the wedding because I'm just lazy. Pretend that there was a wedding planner chapter and stuff. Anyways, I hope you'll like this chapter!!

Oh yeah, it's gonna be a long chapter so get your popcorn


It has been six months since Peter proposed and it was mid June. You were sitting in your hotel room as Jean did your hair and Ororo worked on your nails.

"Is the dress almost done?"

Ororo asked

"Almost!! I have to make sure this is attached!!"

Raven yelled from the bathroom

"I'm so nervous"

You said, trying to sit as still as possible

"No need, you waited a long time for this, everything will be fine"

Jean said

"I know but what if I get second thoughts? What if this wasn't such a good idea after all"

Jean let go of your hair and held your chin to make you look at her

"Don't say that again Y/N! You love Peter and he loves you. This wedding is going to happen!! I promise you, you will hate yourself if you blow off this wedding!!"

You nodded and Jean let go of your chin

"You will marry, start a family and grow old together. That's your future now. And I know you love it"

You smiled, she wasn't wrong

"Repeat after me, you will marry Peter"

"You will ma-"

"No I'm not getting married. You are!!"

"But you said 'you are g-"

"Because I didn't want to say that I was marrying Peter dork. You know what, Nevermind. Repeat after me, I will marry Peter"

"I will marry Peter"

"I will not be nervous and have second thoughts about this wedding"

"I will not be nervous and have second thoughts about this wedding"

"This will be the best day of my life"

"This will be the best day of my life"

"And I will not say 'I don't' when the wedding is happening"

"And I will not say 'I don't' when the wedding is happening"

"I will go out there and be the most gorgeous bride ever"

"Aww thank y-"


"I will go out there and be the most gorgeous bride ever"

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