Chapter 53 - Fangirling together

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This chapter is gonna be small imagines, but imagines for fans who like the same things as me. So yuh, hope you enjoy

Imagine 1 (Star wars):

Peter: Hey Y/N
You: Yeah?
Peter: How did Darth Vader know what Luke was getting for Christmas?
You: I don't know, you tell me
Peter: He felt his presents

Imagine 2 (Queen):

You: Peter?
Peter: Yes?
You: I don't usually want it all
You: But when I do
You: I want it now
Peter: .....
You: Alexa, play I want it all

Imagine 3 (Harry Potter):

Peter: Girl, are you sure you're a muggle because that ass is magical!!
You: I'm actually a H/H (Hogwarts house)
Peter: So I can Slytherin your GriffonDOOR?
You: Peter get outta here before I 'Avada Kedavra' you

Imagine 4 (Star Wars):

Peter: Why did Kylo Ren chase Rey
You: .....
Peter: Because he has Ben Solo for so long

Imagine 5 (Pirates of The Caribbean):

Jean: What the-
Peter: Don't question her just give it
Jean: But-
Peter: Please before she st-
You: My name is Captain Jack Sparrow
Peter: Too late
You: And I've come here to claim my rum
Jean: .....
Peter: She has been drinking again

Imagine 6 (Nightmare before Christmas):

You: *notices it snows outside
You: *runs in the garden
You: What's this, What's this? There's colors everywhere! What's this? There's white things in the air
Peter: *picks you up
Peter: And that's enough singing for today

Imagine 7 (Ariana Grande):

Jean: If I had a kid later I would sing them a song of the 10's to remind them how music was this time
You: That's a good idea
Jean: I was thinking about Stay with me from Sam Smith
You: Ooh.....
Jean: Oh won't you, stay with meee
You: I was thinking about a better one
Jean: Like
You: *inhales deeply

Imagine 8 (Star Wars):

Peter: Why did movies 4, 5, and 6 come before 1, 2, and 3?
You: Stop
Peter: Because in charge of directing, Yoda was.
You: Quite impressed, I am

Imagine 9 (Grinch):

You: The Grinch is actually life goals
Peter: I thought you loved Christmas
You: It's not that
Peter: Than what is it
You: He just lives on top of a hill with a dog and walks around naked all day while scaring the living shit out of everyone

Imagine 10 (Brandon Rogers):

You: Has anyone seen my boy?
Charles: Wha-
You: *raises hand above head
You: He's about this tall, clearly gay, but we haven't had the talk yet
Charles: Whaaat
You: Timothy!
You: *kicks open garbage can
You: Are you in here honey?!
Charles: What's going on?
Peter: She lost Kurt again

Imagine 11 (A very potter musical):

Ororo, Scott, Jean, Kurt and Peter: *watching Harry Potter
Movie: *Draco comes on
Ororo: IT'S DRACO!!
You, from across the room: Did someone say Draco Malfoy?!
Jean: Ororo, what did you do
Ororo: OoPs...

Imagine 12 (Hamilton):

Peter: How much money do you have?
Scott: I only have ten dolla-
You, Jean, Ororo: The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father. Got a lot farther by working a lot harder. By being a lot smarter. By being a self-starter. By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter
Scott: Well, this is our life now

Imagine 13 (Percy Jackson):

Ororo: Are you sure about this?
Scott: Yeah, I mean, you only live once
You: Unless your name is Leo Valdez
Peter: Or you're a greek monster
Jean: Or-
Scott: We get it guys!

Imagine 14 (Queen):

You: What if young Freddie Mercury walked into music class
Jean: The teacher would be like; What instrument do you wanna play?
You: The crowd
Jean: What?
You, screaming: AY-OH!!!
Peter and Scott, from across the room: AY-OH!!

Imagine 15 (Disney):

You, from around the corner: Hey guys, look!
You: *rolls in with Charles' wheelchair
You: Hello, my name is Charles Xavier and you're watching Disney Channel

Imagine 16 (Harry Potter):

Peter: What if the Harry Potter series were all in Draco's perspective?
You: Draco Malfoy and who the fuck is this kid
Jean: Draco Malfoy and where the fuck is my house elf
Scott: Draco Malfoy and that fucking hurt but to be honest, Hermione has a nice right hook
Hank: Draco Malfoy and HOLY SHIT I'M A FERRET
Raven: Draco Malfoy and that kid has a fucking army mark my words
Kurt: Draco Malfoy and in hindsight signing up with the dark lord may have been a mistake
Ororo: Draco Malfoy and fuck this shit I want my mom

Imagine 17 (Percy Jackson):

You: To be honest Apollo is a straight up bitch
Ororo: He's Like; I won't let my sexuality define me
Jean: He's also like: Move I'm gay

Imagine 18 (Star Wars):

Peter: When someone says that they hate Star Wars we have to plan something to say to him
You: How about this
You: I want every gun we have, to fire on that man
Scott: Do you think we got him?
Jean: Get me down there

Imagine 19 (A very Potter musical):

You: So let's go over a couple of rules
Jean: Number one; NO BOYS
Ororo: Unless they're cute
You: Number two: NO DRINKS
Jean: Unless there's plenty to go around!
Ororo: And number three: NO PARTIES

Imagine 20 (Brooklyn Nine-nine):

Peter: Rules are made to be broken
Kurt: Nothing is made to be broken
Peter: Piñatas
You: Glow sticks
Peter: Karate boards
You: Spaghetti when you have a small pot

Part 54 coming soon <3

(I know I didn't include Marvel but I feel like that would be like breaking the fourth wall and we're not Deadpool here)

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