Chapter 17 - It's my fault

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"How long have they been gone now?"

Jean asked

"I don't know but something doesn't feel right. I'm going to check, you guys coming?"

I walked towards the group of students and noticed Ororo extinguishing the fire. Hank was standing next to her with-WITH Y/N'S JACKET?!

I rushed towards them

"Where is Y/N?!"

Hank was shaking and slowly pointed towards the mansion


I muttered to myself.

I pulled down my glasses and raced inside. It took me a while to finally find them. I first saw Charles laying on the floor, still consious, but he looked like he could pass out every second. I raced him outside and putted him down next to the fountain. Then I runned back into the house

'If Charles was here, Y/N should be near too'

I runned around the library but saw nothing. Until I noticed a small shimmer. I walk towards it and saw Y/N, with the silver bracelet I gave her for her birthday. That thing must be burning her skin by now.

I lifted the shelf up and quickly lifted her. I ran outside and sat down besides Charles, Y/N still in my arms.

I noticed how awful Y/N looked. Her right leg was completely burned, she had bruises over her whole arms and she was bleeding from the back of her head. 

I sat her down on my lap and scooped some water with my hands. I washed some smoke off her face.

"I'm so sorry, I should've been there earlier. I'm always to late...."

You mumbled to yourself

"No you're not. Thank you Peter"

Charles said, still trying to catch his breath

I looked up and tried to hold back my tears

"Yes I am, look at Y/N!! I don't even know if she's still alive!! If I was there earlier this wouldn't have happened!!"

"She's alive, I still feel her. She's just....weaker"

A single tear ran down my cheek

"I should've saved her"

"Peter, you did. She wouldn't have survived any longer"

I sighed and then remembered something. She was wearing her silver bracelet. That thing must be 212 degrees!! (100 degrees Celsius)

I tried pulling it off, but it burned my finger tips. I quickly pulled away. Then I took a piece of my shirt and removed the bracelet with it. I held it in the cold water until I could touch it again. I putted it in my pocket and took Y/N polse. It was incredibly burned. I didn't hesitate and held it in the water while softly stroking her hand.

"Peter, I'm really happy Y/N choose you to be her boyfriend. You really take good care of her. Thank you for that"

I smiled through the tears

"You're welcome"


It took me a while before I noticed that Peter was sitting at the fountain with Charles and Y/N. I walked closer and noticed Y/N laying unconsious in Peter's arms.


I runned towards them. As I came closer I noticed Charles also had multiple burns.

"Are you guys okay?!"

"I'm okay Jean, thank you"

Charles said

Peter was looking down, I think he was trying to ignore me


"Yeahyeah, I'm okay"

But I could hear the sadness in his voice. I sat down beside him

"No you're not and that's okay. You don't have to be okay all the time. It's fine to sometimes feel down, that's normal. You don't have to hide it, I'm here for you"

Scott, Kurt and Ororo walked towards the fountain

"We're all here for you. It's not awful to show some emotions. We all feel down once, no need to hide it. We won't judge you"

He looked up and I noticed his bloodshot eyes.

"It should've been me"

He mumbled quietly

"No it shouldn't have Peter. Come here"

I wrapped him in a hug with Y/N inbetween us. I heard him letting out small sobs. It was heartbreaking. No one ever saw Peter crying, well, maybe Y/N, but not anyone else.

"Sh sh, it's okay Peter"

I said, softly stroking his back

"We should get her to the infirmary"

Peter broke the hug and nodded

"But Peter"


"We're not going until you're smiling"

I saw a small smile appear on his lips

"There's the smile. Let's go"

—Small time skip brought to you by James' adorable accent—


"You can lay her down on this bed"

Jean gestured to a bed next to a window. I carefully laid her down and sat down on a chair beside her. I grabbed her hand and held it, while I rubbed my thumb against the back of her hand.

"Please wake up"

I whispered, hoping no one would hear it

"Peter, I hate to bring it to you, but you have to leave. We'll call you when you can come in again"

Jean said while she placed a hand on your shoulder.

I looked at her and nodded. I turned my head back to Y/N again and placed a soft kiss on her forhead while silently saying

"I'm so sorry"

I let go of her hand and left the room, tears threatening to spill again.

Part 18 coming soon <3

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